From Our Files, Feb. 11
Published 9:19 am Saturday, February 11, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
The automatic sprinkler at Welsh & Wiseman’s Store went on a rampage Wednesday and before the water could be shut off had damaged a lot of goods and created havoc generally. The sprinkler is kept in case of fire, and when the heat reached a certain point the flood gates were automatically opened and the entire building was drenched. Fortunately this occurred in daytime when there were several in the building to cut off the water.
Mr. W.H. Silliman who has been in City Hospital for some time, was operated upon this week and a large stone was removed from the bladder. The stone was unusually large and was covered with points. All who have seen it wonder how he lived in that condition.
Richard Cox, the blind man who lives in Junction City is dead from pneumonia and a brief illness. Mr. Cox was possibly as well known throughout Boyle and adjoining counties as any resident of this area. For several years he resided near Parksville and traveled up and down the L&N Railroad. He was a musician and few passengers refused to contribute small amounts after Mr. Cox’s performance on the banjo and harp. He is survived by a wife and five children.
At around three o’clock on Feb. 19, the personal property of the Danville Fair Association will be sold in front of the Boyle County Courthouse. The items to be sold are: 12 band chairs, six office chairs, one office table, a lot of office benches with backs, a lot of dining room benches without backs, several large floral hall tables, six large water cans, two tin tubs, knives, forks and spoons, and a large amount of rope.
News items from Perryville: Born to Lot and Cora Sleet, a daughter: C.D. Minor had a valuable cow to die: R.I. Powers has carpenters at work on the New Drug store: Dr. J.E. Caldwell went to Parksville on Sunday to see Mrs. Brown who continues to be very ill.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
An eight-month-old pullet owned by Mrs. R.P. Steele of Stanford Road, is trying to do her share in our increased production effort for our defense effort. Mrs. Steele says that every egg the hen has laid for nearly a month has been the size of a duck egg. Where average eggs weigh about a pound and a half a dozen, these “Defense Specials” tip the scales at an even two pounds or better. Mrs. Steele said the eggs are not double and are often turned out at the rate of one a day for a week at a time.
A fire Wednesday morning destroyed the Lancaster Milling Company’s plant and all its contents, including grain, flour and machinery, resulting in a total loss estimated at about $50,000. Flames were discovered in the metal-covered brick building on Campbell Street. When firemen arrived the flames were beyond control and the workers’ efforts were confined to preventing the spread of the blaze to the L & N depot across the street.
The Talent Committee of the Danville and Boyle County Historical Society, which has begun its search for 300 persons to complete the cast for the historical pageant spectacle to be presented here in April, has issued a call for all lineal descendants of members of the Convention of 1792. Known also as the Constitutional Convention, the group which met in 1792 in Danville consisted of men representing nine counties then existing in Kentucky. Direct descendants of members of this Convention will be listed as part of the permanent Sesquicentennial records and will be considered for the pageant cast.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
The three-story business at 222 West Main Street in Danville, where M.T. Veach Sr. operated a men’s clothing store for many years, and offered at auction Friday to settle the estate of A. Longo, was purchased by Robert S. Cohen of Lexington for $26,000. It is understood that Lenard’s Jewelry Store will eventually occupy the quarters. Edwards Real Estate & Auction Company of Danville, conducted the auction.
“The winter of 1966-67 is over in this area,” declared Jim McGee of the Wells Landing Road area in Danville. He puts his faith in the blackbird and not in the robin. McGee points out that robins stay in this vicinity all winter, but the blackbirds, which winter in Brazil, are now making their way north and the trees in McGee’s area were full of blackbirds this morning. This is a certain sign of spring, McGee said, and that the sign of the blackbirds’ return has never failed since he was a boy, which goes back several decades. He opines, however, that there may be a few snow flurries ahead but nothing to amount to much.
The Danville Rotary Club’s annual ladies night banquet will be held at the Danville Country Club tonight. The affair has been planned as a Valentine party and the Rotarians and their Rotary Anns will attend.
Paul M. Furr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Furr, of Timothy Drive had a weekend visit with his parents and grandmother, Mrs. Vista Watkins. Paul, who lives in McMurray, Pa., is associated with Westington House and was on a business trip to Sacramento, Calif. He got his bus routing through Louisville so he could come and visit in Danville.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
Workers at Cricketeer Manufacturing, located on Cane Run Street in Harrodsburg were both angry and in shock this morning after being told Monday they will be out of jobs in April. The move will affect 306 employees who make sports jackets and suit coats. A spokesperson for Cricketeer said a drop in retail sales led to the decision to consolidate the company’s operations. A worker at the plant said, “I think the state of Kentucky ought to do something about this… The state has certainly done a lot to help the Japanese. It should do something to help Americans.”
Duff Green, the first county clerk of Boyle County, and all those who played a role in the county’s early governmental history were honored Tuesday at a party celebrating the 150th anniversary of the formation of Boyle County. Boyle Fiscal Court enjoyed a large sheet cake for the occasion and heard current Clerk John B. Nichols read minutes from an 1894 court meeting. Nichols was an appropriate guest at the party because a Nichols served as county clerk in 1844 and an unbroken line of Nicholses has been in that office since 1895. “In 1995, if I’m still clerk, a Nichols will have served as county clerk of Boyle for 100 years,” he said. A portion of the old minutes that he read included: “The court adopted plans for working on county roads. 1. All hands be paid 50 cents per day for each day’s work of eight hours actually done and certified by overseer. 2. All able-bodied male citizens over 18 and under 50, except licensed ministers of the Gospel and citizens of corporate cities and towns, shall provide themselves with necessary tools and work the county roads two days each week and not more than six days. 3. The court will pay $1.50 per day for each two-horse plow and team and each two-horse wagon and team and $1 per day for a team alone for working on county roads.
Less than a month after announcing plans to purchase property from Henry Lutes on Perryville Street for a Senior Citizens Center, the board announced that the center has been given five acres at the end of Jean Drive. Johnny Randolph, chairman of the Senior Citizens Center Board said Charles and Ila Onstott have donated the land they own between Paula Heights and the railroad. A neighborhood park used to be on the property. After being told about the land donation, Randolph said Lutes told him, “if somebody wants to give land, he’d be the first one to tell us to take it.”