Kentucky auditor supports wife in judge-executive race

Published 1:49 pm Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Dear Editor,

I wanted to take a moment to address a letter sent by Bernie Hunstad. He indicated in his letter that both candidates for Boyle County Judge Executive in the Republican Primary had strong moral values and on that I would agree. That however is where our agreement ends.

Certainly, I am a bit biased, as Lynn Harmon is my wife. But, it seems to me Bernie had a tone of anger in his remarks. It could perhaps be that Lynn, in the 2014 primary, beat Bernie with 58 percent of the vote and this may just be sour grapes.

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Mr. Hunstad threw out the question as to whether you would want the next judge-executive to be audited by their spouse? This only goes to show Mr. Hunstad’s lack of understanding as to how the Auditor’s office operates. Had he been paying attention, he would have noticed that in the most recent audit of Boyle County Fiscal Court, the report was not signed by myself but was instead signed by my Assistant State Auditor because I had recused myself.  

In addition, the assertion that Lynn’s opponent is more qualified is interesting given that only one candidate has actually been elected to public office and that candidate is Lynn, when she served on the Junction City Council. Also, she served two terms on the board of the local Pregnancy Resource Center, as well as been involved in the community and our church.

It has often been said that to lead, you must first be elected. Lynn has proven she can be elected both when she served on the Junction City Council as well as becoming the Republican nominee in 2014. She almost beat the incumbent in the general in 2014, and now that this is an open seat, she is the frontrunner in this race. Lynn is intelligent and articulate, but even more importantly, she is approachable. To listen, you have to truly care about people and I can assure you she does care and that caring is sincere.

There is only one candidate that has the experience and can win in the fall and that candidate is Lynn Harmon. On May 22, please join me in voting for Lynn Harmon for Boyle County Judge Executive. To find out more, go to #winwithlynn

Thanks and God bless,

Mike Harmon


Kentucky Auditor