BCHS alumni party planned for Friday

Published 7:36 pm Tuesday, September 17, 2019



The Boyle County High School Alumni Association is preparing for its annual Alumni Tailgate Party on Friday, Sept. 20 at BCHS, before the Boyle County vs. Christian Academy of Louisville game. This year, the class of ‘69 will celebrate its 60th anniversary; and the association says this is the perfect time for classes of ‘94 (25th year) and ‘09 (10th year) to get together without having to plan a meal or event.

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Throughout the year, the association solicited nominations for Boyle County Distinguished Alumni.

The class of ‘69 will be recognized during the tailgate party and during the game, as well as the recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award. Anyone was able to nominate someone for this award by completing a form and returning it to the association.

BCHS has had its doors open for 56 years, and has graduated 55 years’ worth of classes.

In addition to the BCHS Distinguished Alumni award, the association will also recognize past staff members that show a commitment to Boyle County Schools through their work with the Rebel for Life Award. It asked alumni to nominate staff members who have shown exemplary support of the school system.

The BCHS Alumni table will be in front of the high school and held in the school cafeteria.

The event begins with social time from 4:30-5:30 p.m., then dinner from 5-6:30 in the cafeteria, then on to cheer the Boyle County Rebels at 7:30 p.m.

Information about the event is available on the Boyle County Schools website at boyle.kyschols.us/alumni.aspx, or on the association’s Facebook page at BCHS Alumni Page Boyle County High School, or call (859) 583-9622.

There will also be an opportunity for those who have not joined the association to do so.