From our files, Jan. 28-29
Published 9:14 am Monday, January 30, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
In his instructions to the Mercer County grand jury last week, Judge Hardin said there is another prolific cause for crime which is the use of cigarettes by children and boys under 18 years of age. He also quoted Dr. D.D. Cress of the United States Medical and Surgical Sanitarium, Washington D.C. as authority for the statement that in the factories, offices and in responsible positions, the male sex is being displaced by women because of the use of cigarettes and that there are more girls in American high schools than boys, because so many of the boys have formed the cigarette smoking habit and are unable to concentrate their minds. And that even a wholesome tobacco dealer in Chicago rejected 38 out of 42 boys who applies for a vacancy in his shop, solely because they were cigarette smokers.
Members of the Danville Military Band have for some time been at hard work to devise a plan by which a professional leader may be secured and kept in Danville. After careful consideration, the members believe that the merchants and other business men appreciate the need of the band to such an extent that they will make regularly yearly donations to be paid to a general fund. In return, the band agrees to furnish the regular summer concerts at any time suggested and in addition, play for anyone thus donating at any time called upon. If a merchant has a sale or some special feature, the men will gladly play, The same will apply to the lodges, and to those who often need the band to play for funerals and other occasions.
Visitors to Danville are much interested in the long lines of wagons hauling in the tobacco. Many go to the warehouses and witness the sales. It is quite interesting to see the bidding and watch the growers as they pocket checks for snug sums of coin.
At most all the local churches the ushers have been instructed to seat no one during the prayers and scripture reading. This is as it should be, but ought to be carried further and no one should be allowed to walk through the aisles during the singing of the solo or during special organ music. Nothing is more annoying to a congregation, minister and musicians than confusion during any part of a service. If everybody would go to church on time, there would be none of this trouble.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
Eugene Patterson, who has carried the Advocate-Messenger for the past two years, is no longer with this newspaper. George Biles, son of Dr. and Mrs. J.H. Biles, has the Advocate-Messenger route now.
All students of the Danville public schools will be admitted free to the Kentucky Theatre Friday morning in what will be the first in a series of shows to get canned goods for the public school cafeterias. All students who attend will be asked to bring one can of food which will be given to the schools. The program will be of Shirley Temple and Jack Oakie in “The Young People”. There will also be Our Gang Comedy and a cartoon.
Fire Chief Harvey Gover issued a special report for everyone in Danville and Boyle County to call him if they had or knew of any scrap iron that could be used for national defense. Chief Gover said that old automobiles, machinery and other such heavy equipment was especially valuable to our war production efforts. He may be contacted at the local fire station at phone number 236.
Telephone 277 for the Hub Department store’s truck to pick up your contribution of books to the Victory Book Drive, which is a campaign to collect reading matter for the use of soldiers, sailors and marines.
Forkland defeated Junction City Friday night to win the first annual county tournament held at Perryville, and Perryville defeated Parksville to win the consolation prize.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
An announcement has been made that the Glore Oil Company of Danville has been sold to the Ashland Oil Company. W.S. Glore pointed out, however, that the Royal Crown Bottling Company and certain other real estate owned by the Glore family, is not involved in the transaction.
For the first time in the history of Boyle County, auto license tag number 100,000 has been issued. County Court Clerk John B. Nichols said that counties receive their tags in an alphabetical order; that is Adair County would get the first public tags up to the number required for the county. Then would come Allen, Anderson, Ballard, Barren, Bath, Bell, Boone, Bourbon, Boyd and then Boyle, whose tag numbers start at 95,501.
A nine-week grading period in place of the present six-week period, with report cards to be issued four, instead of six times, per school year has been approved. In the set-up of the new grading period, interim reports will be required in the middle of each of the nine-week periods for students who, in the teacher’s estimation, are not achieving to their capacity. These reports will be mailed to the parents from the principals’s office.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
Boyle County Fiscal Court voted to recommend that the state Transportation Cabinet name the new bridge on Ky. 34 over Herrington Lake in honor of Judge-Executive Mary C. Pendygraft. However, Pendygraft, after the meeting, declined the honor. She said it would be more appropriate to name the new span, Kings Mill Bridge, because it roughly follows the course of the old Kings Mill Bridge. Pendygraft said, “I was very flattered and honored, but I really think the bridge should have a name that reflects the area where it is and not any one person.”
A Nashville game maker is gathering bits and pieces of local history and information from businesses in Casey, Garrard and Lincoln counties for a unique game. Wes Holly, who has been in the game business since 1985, makes and sells Monopoly-style games that feature the familiar places of a city or county. For example, players wouldn’t land on Boardwalk or Park Place, but instead can land on Courthouse Square or Tarter Gate Co. and 35 other local businesses.
Th Americans with Disabilities Act has local businesses taking a hard look at how easily those with handicaps can use their facilities. Thomas Broach, code enforcement officer in Danville has been given the responsibility of seeing that the city complies with the guidelines.
Danville schools will begin teaching parents how to get more involved in their children’s education thanks to a $20,000 extended school services grant. Sessions will begin in February to teach parents with elementary school students who to tutor their children and provide a better learning environment for them.