From our Files
Published 4:21 am Thursday, June 15, 2023
100 YEARS AGO — 1923
• John C. Acheson, president of Woman’s College of Kentucky,
delivered one of the strongest sermons ever heard in a church where other distinguished men spoke. Acheson gave the baccalaureate sermon under the new regime at the college.
• Burley Tobacco growers Cooperative Association mailed checks for $15,000,000 to members in Kentucky, Tennessee Indiana, West Virginia and Ohio.
• J. Harris Baughman was a Democratic candidate for state representative of Boyle County.
75 YEARS AGO —1948
• The Danville tobacco market for the 1947-48 averaged the highest of any market in Kentucky. Danville houses sold a total of 11,518,290 pounds for an average of $52.09, 15 cents higher than Harrodsburg markets, the second highest.
• Edgar C. Newlin, vicar of St. Phillips Episcopal Church, Harrodsburg, accepted a call to become rector of Trinity Episcopal Church.
• Preparations were made for the annual Daily Vacation Bible School at local churches. The schools included Bible Study, notebooks, handwork and recreation for ages 4 through 15.
• Genuine Palm Beach suits for men sold from $12.95 to $15 at the Hub Pushin Company.
• Lloyd Lanier of Lexington, formerly of Grasslands Farm near Danville, was named chairman of the Junior League Horse Show July 12-17 in Lexington.
• Sadie W. Turner of Danville, who headed the local Colored Girl Scouts organization, was cited by the Girl Scouts organization of New York after completing the Scout leadership correspondence course.
• A 250-year-old turtle, as big as the top of an ordinary table was featured in a Wild Life Show exhibit in Danville.
50 YEARS AGO — 1973
• The local Jaycees got ready to start their canvass of business and commercial for the Ephraim McDowell Memorial Hospital drive for $1million locally. John Caywood, president, spearheaded the drive with section leaders, Dave DeWolf, external vice-president, and Tom Hensley, internal vice- president.
• Centre College commencement exercises were held in the college’s new $5 million Regional Fine Arts Center. The 150 graduates were in the 150th class.
• Boyle Fiscal Court approved a request from Boyle County Board of Education to adopt and implement a resolution levying a 3 percent utility tax on residents in the Boyle school district.
• Ephraim McDowell Memorial Hospital employees pledged $20,000 to memorialize the new cafeteria in the new hospital facilities.
• Bids by Ernest Simpson Construction in Glasgow, totaling $1,631325, were approved for a new gymnasium and swimming pool on the Kentucky School for the Deaf campus.
25 YEARS AGO —1998
• Bob Rowland was named superintendent of the Danville Independent Schools. Rowland has been with the local schools 11 years, and served one year as assistant principal and 10 as principal.
• It was “Bunny Davis Day” at the Danville-Boyle County Senior Citizens Center and a surprise to him. Davis was invited to what was supposed to be Senior Citizens Day at the center and appeared shocked when he learned it was in his honor.
• A vocational school was approved for Boyle County. The local industrial foundation donated land on Corporate Drive for the school.
• First Baptist Church, Broadway, observed its 175th anniversary. The church was established in 1823 when nine people organized the congregation for the betterment of the community.