From our Files

Published 10:25 am Wednesday, July 19, 2023

100 YEARS AGO — 1923

• The MacFadden Symphony Quartet and the Centre Six orchestras performed at the Redpath Chautauqua.

• The local golf club and chamber of commerce appointed a committee to look into the building of anew club house at the new golf links.

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• Federal prohibition officials confiscated three 10-gallon kegs of red whiskey from a car west of Perryville.

• Deposits in six local banks totaled $1 million.

• A L&N train struck a car at Hilander Crossing near Junction City. The occupants were not hurt as the front wheel of the car was struck.

• Over $1,500 in premiums were awarded for the best horses in the Perryville Fair.

75 YEARS AGO — 1973

• Danville received its second quarter revenue sharing check for $65,931.

• Boyle County High School cheerleaders got three superior ribbons and two for excellent for demonstrations during cheerleading camp.

• AmericanGreetings pledged $50,000 to Ephraim McDowell hospital for construction of a new hospital.

• Raymond Miller andJohn Frazier got “Men of the Year” recognition from the Danville City Commission.

• Forty-six of the 63 buildings designated for destruction in the Second Street Urban Renewal Development District had been removed.

50 YEARS AGO — 1948

• Emily Genius of Reverie Knoll Farm was named best yearling filly and Everybody’s Sweetheart, a Springfield entrant walked off with the top prize in the five-gaited mare event. Emily gave Danville its second blue ribbon during the show at the Bluegrass Fair and Horse Show.

• Seaman Bobby Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Powell, West Main Street, left for naval training in Chicago, Illinois.

• Centre College was cited for two recent editions of Chemical and Engineering Edition of which Walter J. Murphy was editor. It was for achievements in the science department at Centre.

• The American flag at City Hall was lowered in honor of Sgt. Edmont Dunn Lane, who was killed while serving in the Army during World War II.

• Danville merchants prepared for Danville Days with stores having special prices for merchandise.

25 YEARS AGO — 1998

• Kentucky hay growers were asked to bale out farmers in Florida and share their hay with them. Danville farmer Billy Emory was one of 14 farmers to sell hay to Florida’s farmers.

• Joseph Payton, 15, a Danville High School student, was an actor in a play — “Brighton Beach Memoirs” — at Pioneer Playhouse for the summer.

• Junction City Council denied a zone change recommendation that would have allowed 17 duplexes to be built on a five-acre plot near the cemetery.

• Danville planned to add a second lagoon on Clark’s Run Creek as part of an expansion of the wastewater treatment plant.