Danville Police Blotter
Published 3:30 pm Thursday, May 23, 2024
This document serves as a quick overview of some recent calls for service by the Danville Police Department. It does not include every call or detail related to each incident; names, specific street addresses and most traffic stops have been omitted.
- Burglary in Progress-E. Main St.
- Collision-2nd St.
- Suspicious Person-Burger King
Check complete.
- Collision-Bypass
- Talk to Officer-Earl St.
Neighbor’s cameras facing their residence, options given.
- Shoplifting-Walmart
Subject cited and released.
- Check Welfare-Shawnee Rd.
Unable to locate person in question.
- Hang Up 911-W. Walnut
No assistance needed.
- Domestic-W. Walnut
All parties denied the incident.
- Check Welfare/Missing Person-City
Subject located; no assistance needed.
- Theft-Bypass
Theft of copper from construction site, investigation conducted.
- Disturbance-Baughman Ave.
Verbal only.
- Disturbance-Perkins Ave.
Subject causing issues, gone on arrival, EPO filed.
- Disturbance-Smith St.
Options given regarding threats made.
- Alarm-Tractor Supply x2
- Alarm-Aldi
- Assist DFD-Madison Ave.
Water flowing into residence, entry made.
- Suspicious Activity-5th St.
People in backyards with flashlights, cleared area and abandoned residence.
- Check Welfare-Madison Ave.
Check complete, one party went with EMS due to level of intoxication.
- Drug Activity-Speedway
- Collision-Taco Bell
Driver arrested for violation of an EPO.
- Juvenile Issue-Patchen Point
One juvenile pulled a knife on another juvenile. Incident investigated, report.
- Hit and Run-Dollar Tree
- Citizen Assist-Danville PD
Assistance given with EPO.
- Disturbance-1st St.
Subject causing issues gone on arrival, other subjects allege assault but did not want assistance.
- Fraud-2nd St.
Purchase made with stolen credit card. One subject arrested.
- Disturbance-Walmart
Juveniles doing juvenile things, told to leave.
- Domestic-Boyden Ct.
Male arrested for assault and strangulation.