Fiscal Court approves road aid funds
Published 4:30 pm Friday, May 31, 2024
The Fiscal Court approved the County Road Aid Cooperative Program Agreement and Resolution at their meeting on May 14.
This year, the county road aid fund is $799,245. The money comes from motor fuel taxes, distributed by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. The money will be used for whichever roads or bridges the fiscal court chooses to work on for next fiscal year.
The court discussed the idea by Magistrate Paula Bodner to build a bike park over top of a closed landfill at Alum Springs. Bodner said the landfill has been closed properly according to the state, and there would be no problems with construction as long as they don’t dig down into the landfill.
The court passed a motion to consider the bike park as a future plan using areas of the closed landfill, and to work with the city of Danville on the project. Danville currently owns that land.
Danville City Commissioner Rick Serres was in attendance at the meeting, and he said that the city commission is willing to work with the county on the bike park. He also said that Parks and Recreation is setting aside money for the park.
Due to the absence of a full time county treasurer, the court approved temporary 5% raises for Finance Officer Elaina Plyman, Judge Executive Administrative Assistant Katina Wesley, and Tax Administrative Officer Jackie Richardson, since they are filling in for the extra work. They also approved a temporary 20% raise for Interim Treasurer Shannon Greene.
EMS Director Mike Rogers discussed the new Julota software, which will be used by the Crisis Intervention Team. The software will be funded through the recently-awarded Community Crisis Co-Response grant. The starting cost is $16,000, with an additional $5,400 a year.
The court reappointed Anne Sleet to the Boyle County Human Rights Commission. Her term will end on April 30, 2027.