Community capable of tackling drug problem
Published 11:52 am Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Dear Editor,
The last few days have, once again, brought home the fact that illegal drug usage is in our community and causing the worst kind of heartache. Although Danville is now dealing with this national issue, I am proud that we have so many people who have and are responding to this epidemic in a number of ways; the ASAP group, headed by Kathy Miles, has been the tip of the spear; the Hope Network is a source of direction for spiritual help; the Isaiah House has long been available for rehabilitation; and now Shepherd’s House, a place for those coming out of jail who want help.
The Boyle Fiscal Court and Jailor Barry Harmon are providing courageous leadership directly by providing Shepherd’s House and a needle exchange program (a means of warding off Hep C) through the health department. It is obvious that our Danville Police Department and Boyle County Sheriff’s Office are teaming up and coordinating efforts to do their jobs as effectively and efficiently as we can expect, given limited resources. The churches are beginning to combine their important efforts.
If there is any hope to all this, it is that citizens are now alert to our situation and they want to do something about it. This is where it begins! The frustration can, and should, lead to action. One way is to offer your time and assistance to the various entities that are “in the trenches.” If you need further contact information, contact any City of Danville government official or any Boyle County government official and we will get you that info.
Not all of us can offer assistance, for whatever reason. But all of us can pray. All of us can help the families and friends of victims. And as our police chief recently said, “If you see something, say something!”
All together, we can whip this. We can reclaim our community. We can make Danville the community we want it to be, once again!
Mike Perros
Danville Mayor