Rep. Elliott lists interim committee duties

Published 4:28 pm Thursday, May 18, 2017


State Representative

With the 2017 legislative session completed, the interim session will soon be underway in Frankfort. The interim session is utilized to review issues facing Kentucky, and to prepare for the upcoming legislative session in 2018.

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This timeframe is imperative to the thoughtful legislative solutions that will be proposed in the near future. Each member of the House is assigned interim committees relative to their experience and district. I have been assigned to the Interim Economic Development and Workforce Investment Committee; Natural Resources and Energy Committee; the Judiciary Committee; and the Budget Review Subcommittee on Justice and Judiciary. I will also serve as co-chair of the Capital Planning Advisory Board and the Education Assessment and Accountability Review Subcommittee.

As a member of the Economic Development and Workforce Investment Committee, I will be responsible for reviewing issues and legislative proposals to improve Kentucky’s economic climate. We accomplished much during the 2017 legislative session to open our commonwealth for business and bring jobs to hardworking Kentuckians, and I look forward to continuing the work that will attract businesses to our state and good jobs for our people.

The Natural Resources and Energy Committee is vital to ensuring Kentucky remains competitive in the energy industry. Our state has an abundance of natural resources that should be utilized without government getting in the way. I look forward to working with members of this committee to address the issues our energy and natural resources sectors face so that we can continue to enjoy low energy prices, employ hardworking Kentuckians and attract more business to our state.

The Judiciary Committee and the Budget Review Subcommittee for Justice and Judiciary are two committees I am looking forward to serving on in the interim. These committees are responsible for reviewing policies impacting our court systems and ensuring the Judicial Branch is properly funded. As a local attorney in our community, I want to bring the experiences of Boyle and Casey countians to Frankfort to ensure our state has the best judicial system possible to serve the people of Kentucky.

The Capital Planning Advisory Board and the Education Assessment and Accountability Review Subcommittee are two important statutory committees in the General Assembly that I am honored to chair. The Capital Planning Advisory Board is responsible for creating a six-year comprehensive statewide capital improvements plan, which encompasses all state agencies and universities. This plan is utilized during the biennial budget process, which will occur next year. The Education Assessment and Accountability Review Subcommittee is charged with reviewing administrative regulations and advising the Kentucky Board of Education concerning the implementation of state systems. This subcommittee is imperative to providing oversight and accountability to Kentucky’s education department.

Each of these interim committees are vital to the operation of state government, and to guaranteeing that Kentuckians’ voices are heard on important policy matters. I want to hear from each of you on the issues you believe are essential, whether they pertain to the committees I will serve on or not. Hearing from you is a vital step in the legislative process.

As always, I can be reached through the toll-free message line in Frankfort at (800) 372-7181, or you can contact me via e-mail at You can keep track of committee meetings and potential legislation through the Kentucky Legislature Home Page at

This column was produced by House Majority Communications, and made available for House Republican Members to distribute.