Peace Corps perspective on a cup half full
Published 8:40 am Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Dear Editor,
I enjoyed reading in the Friday, June 16, issue Al Earley’s article “How Full is Your Cup.” Cited were several responses to the oft-asked question “is the cup half empty or half full?”
These clever responses caused me to smile. However, I would like to add one additional remark.
My husband and I are returned Peace Corps volunteers and we would say the Peace Corps reply to that half glass of water is, “I could take a bath in that!”
My cup is certainly overflowing. I especially enjoyed Earley’s final paragraph reviewing God’s many blessings, as well as the challenge to serve others by finding ways to fill someone else’s cup. As God blesses us, I believe he equips, empowers, enables and energizes us to be a blessings to others!
Mary Hollis