A time for America to heal
Published 8:35 am Thursday, June 22, 2017
Dear Editor,
Our nation has experienced significant political unrest dating back to the 1960s and beyond. Even our Founding Fathers, later Abraham Lincoln, our Supreme Court — all have been compelled to address issues of grave consequence. Divisions continue today — even within the Republican and Democrat parties. Progress on critical issues in turn, becomes limited.
Last November we elected our new President, yet roadblocks are constantly forestalling forward movement. In contrast, what Americans want out of Congress is safety, fiscal security, affordable health care, jobs and a resurgence of our competitiveness worldwide.
Last Tuesday at the polls in Georgia and South Carolina the consistent drumbeat since last fall was voter passion for stability: drop back-biting and chicanery – move toward the goals outlined above. Confirming this, four special elections have now borne no evidence that our electorate has abandoned the momentum that brought about the November Presidential results.
America is firmly back on the world stage: in good times by design; all too often by necessity as events unfold around the globe. We cannot allow anyone’s diatribes to thwart this new energy, power and prominence. That would be profoundly dangerous when dealing with economic crises, rogue nations and organized terrorism.
Since our founding – our forefathers intended that Congress engage in discourse, but in a fashion of reasonable, rational and logical debate. All too many American citizens find today’s political proceedings contemptible. Thus they are bailing out on our governmental system at a time when involvement is most needed. Sadly, few of any age can discuss in depth key points on issues of consequence. Fruitless divides often exist more due to demagoguery than demonstrated facts.
All too many young minds have turned away from the process upon which our nation was built. They cannot recognize from our heated battles that we are the greatest country in history.
Many call America an experiment. We are much more than that. And the time has come, regardless of party to embrace this nation’s goodness — found in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Tom V. Ellis