Is Danville part of Boyle County?

Published 6:06 am Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dear Editor,

I am a Danville resident. Apparently, even though I pay Boyle County taxes, I am not a Boyle County resident. County legislators, newspaper reporters, even city officials talk about Danville as if it were somehow apart from the county. Come on folks — more than half the citizens of Boyle County live in Danville!

The 911 dispatch article in Saturday’s Advocate-Messenger is a case-in-point. Judge McKinney spoke about “the county splitting from Danville.” To me, this only makes sense if he refunds my tax dollars. And the tone of the newspaper article is no better. Ben Kleppinger and Kendra Peek should know better.

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I guess I’m tired of the county government seeing Danville as a funding source for projects outside the city. Maybe city officials need to stand up a little straighter on these issues. And maybe our judge-executive and magistrates need to remember that Boyle County is more than the farmlands outside the city limits.

David Seidel
