From our files, July 22
Published 8:26 am Monday, July 24, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
The Mercer County Medical Society passed resolutions at a meeting condemning and refusing membership to any surgeon or physician who locates in any part of Mercer County during the war, and also pledging themselves to look after the practice of their fellow physicians who apply for services in the Medical Reserve Corps or enlist otherwise in the army and to turn their practice back to them when they return from war.
Forty companies of cooks are to be organized for the U.S. army forces now stationed in the United States, and a call has been issued to men desiring to serve their country in this important branch of the service. The War Department shows that one army field bakery with equipage and six men is capable of caring for 1,800 men and the 15 units of each company can bake 40,000 pounds of bread a day. There are currently 800 vacancies. In addition, musicians and machinists are also in heavy demand for the U.S. Navy. Men who can play any brass instrument can enlist with pay of not less than $41 a month.
John MaGee writes: I am back at my old stand on the corner of 4th and Walnut streets. My phone number is 483. Call me when you want anything in the merchandise line. My stock of groceries is complete. Phone me your orders. Also, highest price paid for country produce.
Many men from this immediate section are enlisting in Uncle Sam’s army or navy. Among those who joined the field ambulance corps were Logan Caldwell, Charlie Hay and Harry Butler.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
Walter S. Dunn, general salvage chairman of Boyle County says many more things can be done in the drive for salvage, including fats. Pan drippings from roast ham, beef, lamb and poultry; broiler drippings from steaks, chops, veal and bacon; deep fats like lard and vegetable shortening from fried potatoes, fish and doughnuts can be used. The extraction of glycerine from these fats can be used to make soap. If everyone of the 30,000,000 housewives in America turns in an average of only 2 ounces of glycerine per week, our Armed Forces could fire 75 million anti-tank gun shells at Hitler’s Mussolini’s and Hirohito’s sons of blitzes every week!
Baxter M. Coovert, of Shelby City, and who wants it distinctly understood that he lives in that very spot, who has been blind for years, has made with his hands one of the finest hammocks that any one could desire. Mr. Coovert has now sent it to Danville and asked that it be given to the Soliciting Committee for prizes for the War Bond Drive. He also sent in $2 for War Stamps and they are to be appended to the hammock, which is tied with red, white and blue ribbon and done up in a patriotic style. Just think how long it took him to make, for it is about 8 feet long.
An argument brought about by the forthcoming primary election resulted in a fight in Danville this morning. Hollis Hatfield, manager of a restaurant and Bob Whitehouse, a barber participated in the fight which took place on the sidewalks of North Third Street. Both men were summoned to police court and neither man was seriously injured.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
A Social Security office will be located in Danville effective July 31. It will be located in Room 5 of the Federal Building, at the corner of Fourth and Main streets in Danville.
Sgt. Clyde J. Stephens, 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stephens of Junction City and a member of the U.S. Army, was killed on July 20 in Vietnam where he was serving as a personnel carrier driver attached to the 25th Infantry Division. Stephens had lived in Junction City all his life and worked at Corning Glass Works before entering the Army.
The First Baptist Church, at the corner of Second and Walnut streets, through the Board of Trustees, has signed a contract with Lipton Insurance Company for the construction of its new church building on the same site, as announced by James “Tump” Frye, chairman of the board. Construction will start tomorrow with the demolishing of what remains of the ruined original church building. The new structure will be a large brick building at a cost of about $146,000. The Rev. P.A. Carter is pastor of the church.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
Flood-stricken Perryville residents haven’t sought a great deal of help to repair their damaged homes, but help has come to them. Thirteen members of the Mennonite Church have been working to fix homes hit hard by the June 18 flood of the Chaplin River. They came as part of the Mennonite Disaster Service.
Pigeons, who have been living in the Casey County Courthouse attic for more than 100 years — probably even since the courthouse was built — have been ousted, but not without raising a stink. About two weeks ago, county officials hired someone to shoot the pigeons and placed poison near their roosting places. This method apparently backfired. Some of the pigeons managed to get back into the attic before their demise and left a rancid odor that has lingered on.
The City Federation of Women’s Clubs has received a $5,000 grant from the Kentucky Heritage Council to help renovate the club’s new home on Martin Luther King Boulevard. The house, which was owned by the late Gertrude Sledd, a former club member, was built prior to 1840. It had been in the Sledd and Spillman family form many years Its only other owner was a Dorman family. The large two-story house officially became the home of the 20-member Busy Sunshine and Domestic Economy civic clubs when the deed was transferred on Friday said, Helen Fisher Fry.