Danville Superintendent evaluation released

Published 7:59 am Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Danville Board of Education released the yearly evaluation of Superintendent Keith Look during Monday’s board meeting, rating him on the seven leadership standards in the Superintendent Leadership Plan developed by the Kentucky Department of Education.

The seven standards are strategic leadership, instructional leadership, cultural leadership, human resource leadership, managerial leadership, collaborative leadership and influential leadership. For each leadership standard, he could be rated exemplary, exceeding the standards; accomplished, meeting the standards; developing, making growth toward the standards; or growth required, areas required to be addressed.

Look was expected to present evidence of his accomplishments to the board, which met during several executive sessions to discuss the evidence and “other issues related to the evaluation standards,” according to the first page of the evaluation. Board members completed the preliminary evaluation on June 26 and met with Look on Monday night at the start of the meeting to discuss their findings and finalize the document.

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For each standard:

• Strategic leadership: Look was given an accomplished rating, being commended for taking initiative to make the necessary changes in leadership in the high school principal role.

“The expansion of the dual-credit system has added increased value and variety to our high school curriculum. Work has started and remains to implement district goals, unification, and expand upon in the goals for college and career readiness,” the evaluation reads.

• Instructional leadership: Look was given an accomplished rating.

“Look has led progress in seeking and developing tools to track classroom learning, reduce gaps and measure growth. He had worked with the administrators to improve the effectiveness of the PLC’s. The improvement has continued with the eighth-grade expansion of the Gateway program and we would like to see continued growth at the high school level. As noted above, continued focus is needed on college readiness among tenth grade students.”

• Cultural leadership: Look was given a developing rating for providing several community events for DHS and Bate.

“Continued focus is needed to build relationships to support and strengthen our unique culture, i.e. between administration, students, teachers, staff, community and other stakeholders.”

• Human resource leadership: Look was given an developing rating for developing a system that enables them to be staffed earlier and establishes a more competitive pay scale.

“Continued efforts are needed to support and maintain a positive work environment.”

• Managerial leadership: Look was given an accomplished rating for working to enhance safety measures in the schools.

“He has led the 1:1 computing initiative. He is attentive to timelines and keeping the Toliver building project on schedule, including the initial phases of the Hogsett project.”

• Collaborative leadership: Look was given an accomplished rating.

“Dr. Look supports the core team and created a team approach to decision-making where opinions of that team are valued. He has worked to foster and grow relationships with higher learning institutes.”

• Influential leadership: Look was given an accomplished rating for his involvement in legislative and political matters.

“(He) gives input on critical education issues. Work is needed to build stronger cohesion and connection within the Danville Schools community towards innovation, achievement and college and career readiness goals.”

No overall rating was given.

On Tuesday, Look sent an official statement regarding the evaluation.

“Learning and developing is not just for students. When progress is evident to all then growth accelerates,” Look said in the statement. “Our collective commitment to the students of the Danville Schools fuels a passion in each of us to do more, reach further, and build bridges to ensure success for all.”


To obtain a copy of Danville Superintendent Keith Look’s evaluation, visit the Danville Independent Schools Central Office, 152 East Martin Luther King Boulevard.