News briefs, Aug. 11

Published 9:40 am Friday, August 11, 2017

Rain barrel giveaway

The Boyle County Conservation District is giving away a rain barrel. To register for the drawing, stop by the Conservation District Office to sign up for two chances to win. Drawing will be held Aug. 31. The office is located at 448 North Danville Bypass.

CKWR to host annual night walk

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Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge will hold its annual summer night walk on Saturday, Aug. 19. Planned activities include a short nature walk and celestial viewing of the dark skies in the meadow by the Island Pond. This year we will also have a brief discussion of the upcoming solar eclipse.

Participants should meet in the parking lot by 8 pm. This activity is suitable for people of all ages. Because we will start around dusk participants should use insect repellant and dress appropriately. If skies are clear enough for star gazing participants are welcome to bring a portable chair.

CKWR is a 500-acre nature preserve located at 600 Carpenter Creek Road, Parksville. For further information about the Refuge please see our website ( or find us on Facebook.