Published 8:10 am Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Dear Editor,
I attended the Danville City Commission meeting on Monday to support adoption of a resolution condemning the racist violence in Charlottesville, VA. I am a relatively new resident of Danville, Boyle County (five years) and I am happy to have moved to a community that condemns such hate.
While at the meeting, there was a discussion of the 5-year solid waste management plan. I was shocked to learn that both the city and county spend around $900,000/year on solid waste management. However, they pay zero dollars to have the recycling at the convenience center taken away.
As the cost of living in this community increases, there is one way that we can all contribute to a reduction in costs. RECYCLE! In Danville, you have curbside pick-up, including big bulk item pick up twice a year. For the county it takes a little more effort, but the convenience centers are open six days a week and cost nothing to drop your recycling off except time.
We can all be a part of the solution of our ever expanding garbage footprint, if we all do our part. Imagine actually being able to bring the cost of something as basic as garbage, down. Increasing recycling will be good for your pocketbook and good for the planet.
You can find out more about recycling in Danville and the County by going to
Julie Pease