Almost all Ky. counties have drug courts, but Boyle/Mercer doesn’t
Published 1:40 pm Thursday, December 21, 2017
Dear Editor,
The headline from the Administrative Office of the Courts reads, “Kentucky Drug Court: Saving Costs, Saving Lives.” It adds, since the Kentucky Court of Justice began implanting drug court in 1996, thousands of participants have successfully completed the program.
Instead of spending time in jail, eligible participants complete a substance abuse program supervised by a judge. Because of the focus on rehabilitation, drug court graduates are more likely to return to productive lives by staying gainfully employed, paying child support and meeting other obligations.
Of the 120 counties existing in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, all but seven have drug courts … and guess of those seven, which tow you know very well are a part of that distinct group? Yep … Boyle/Mercer … Fourth and Main! Surprised?
Roger Hartner