A lesson in political hyperbole and ‘excuse-itis?’

Published 6:27 am Thursday, April 12, 2018

Dear Editor,
When we step up to elected leadership or an appointed leadership position paid by tax dollars, don’t we step out with new responsibilities? Don’t words and actions represent more than just ourselves and as such, greater accountability?
As reported by The Advocate-Messenger, the Boyle judge-executive recently wrote a letter concerning the Tennessee Gas Pipeline and Kinder Morgan’s proposal to use it for transporting “natural gas liquids.” He asked for permanent abandonment. It was filed with the Federal Regulatory Commission, making it public record in an ongoing case. However, after voicing arguably legitimate concerns, the judge-executive seemed to meander into political hyperbole and excuse-itis.
“During the three years while this project has been proposed, Danville and Boyle County, Kentucky, have had to pursue our goals while the cloud of this project thwarts our efforts at economic development…” Hyperbole? Excuse-itis?
Didn’t this same judge-executive say on radio he feels “he takes his life into his own hands” every time he crosses (Danville) Main Street when referencing a road diet? Hyperbole?
Never miss opportunities for excuses regarding lack of economic development salesmanship.
The president of the EDP called the pipeline a “sword of Damocles” dangling over our head. Maybe a sword of hyperbole? Didn’t the same EDP president say he’s been hearing plant managers say we can’t support addition of larger employers?
This is the concern of “most all plant managers” in every county and why it’s the responsibility of enlightened economic leadership to balance plant managers wishes with what’s best for community. This is why it’s a conflict of interest for the president of the EDP to have held the same position with the privately-owned Boyle County Industrial Foundation and still a conflict if he continues working for them under a different title. But it makes for great excuses while confusing activity with productivity.
The only way the pipeline affects our economic growth is if such irresponsible embellishments are made public where other counties use such diatribe against us in recruiting. Doesn’t embellishing such a falsehood risk making it self-prophesy? Regardless, it seems a “loser’s limp” for a community of champions. Don’t we deserve better? Now EDP board members are told they must “always” publicly support the decision of the EDP board. Always?
Until such vocabulary, attitudes and excuses are eliminated, won’t such examples continue to poison our economic well? Isn’t enlightened leadership key?
Randy Gip Graham

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