From our files, April 28
Published 6:45 am Saturday, April 28, 2018
100 YEARS AGO — 1918
After today, until further notice, automobiles in Danville must be parked on the side of Main Street from Second to Fourth in compliance with a ruling of the street committee. This is done to protect the asphalt street, and workmen are busy today marking off 15 feet on each side of the street indicating the place for cars.
For the purpose of augmenting agriculture production it is the intention of the War Department to grant furloughs to enlisted men to enable them to engage in farming during the present season. Commanding officers may grant such furloughs within prescribed rules whenever it appears they will contribute to increased farm production.
The Board of Health is required to inspect premises under the new ordinance and to see that all disease breeding places are cleaned. This week and next will be allowed every householder to have cellars and trash piles removed. After May 11, official inspection will be made. Open toilets and manure piles are a menace to the health of the community and must be removed. No hauling will be done this year by the Woman’s Club.
75 YEARS AGO — 1943
The morning and afternoon sessions of the Circuit Court today were devoted to the hearing of the case of Roy Wiehe vs. the Kentucky Color and Chemical Company. Mr. Wiehe is suing for $60,000 in damages in the death of his wife, Ruth Wiehe, who was burned in an explosion on July 4, 1942 at their home on Alta Avenue after the basement had been sprayed with an insecticide manufactured by the defendant company.
Not a single case of polio has been reported in Danville and Boyle County this year, although there have been scattered outbreaks of the disease over the state. Lincoln County has reported seven cases of polio since November.
Cigarettes will be purchased and shipped to servicemen overseas through a project sponsored in Danville by the Lions, Rotary and Kiwanis clubs. Large glass jars have been placed on all tobacco counters in local shops to receive the contribution of a nickel from each person purchasing a package of cigarettes for his own use, who wishes to provide smokes for a member of the armed forces. The price of five cents per package of cigarettes has been set as a special rate by the tobacco companies when the smokes are ordered shipped overseas in lots of $50 worth or larger.
A determined 17-year-old patriot to become one of Uncle Sam’s fighting men has just been realized by Maurice Walters Jr., who at age of 15 he managed to enlist in 1941 with the United States Marines. How the young man concealed his youth isn’t part of the story, but he remained a Marine for 11 months, when in June, 1943, he was honorably discharged as “under age.” For the next few months the young man worked as a civilian biding his time until his 17th birthday which finally arrived on Feb. 23, 1943. The young man’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Walters of Grant Street, sat at home and wondered just how their son would proceed to satisfy his consuming desire for services with the armed forces. The Walters received a telephone call where the young solider said he was to be stationed at a nearby post just long enough to give him time to come home and proudly display his khaki uniform.
50 YEARS AGO — 1968
Miss Jeannette Stone Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stone Dale of Sunny Slope Farm, Lexington, and Jerome Michael Germann Jr., son of Mrs. Jerome Michael Germann of Maple Lea Farm, Danville, and the late Mr. Germann, were united in marriage on April 27 at the home of the bride in the presence of the immediate family.
The members of the Suburban Kiwanis Club are ready to swoop down and give fine wash and lube jobs to an unlimited number of customers at Paul Carter’s service station at Main and McGrorty all day Derby Day. The Kiwanians have adopted the project as their fund-raising effort for their numerous charities.
The first anniversary dinner of Boy Scout Troop 208 was held at the troop’s quarters on Hustonville Road. Those who attended were Mike Phillips, Randy Rose, Kenny Young, Jack Caldwell, David Coffman, Richard Fowler, Kenny Merriman, Eddie Singleton, Jim Chandler, Wayne Boyd, John Brown, Paul Jones, Darrel Swain, Scoutmaster Don Warren, Marris Bryant, Alan Chandler, Bob Woodward, Arthur Clem, Ronnie Sharp and assistant scout master J.C. Stephenson.
Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Harrodsburg Corning Glass Works plant expansion will be held on Tuesday. An addition of 42,000 square feet should be completed by December.
25 YEARS AGO — 1993
Two hundred more houses will be added May 11 to Danville’s pilot curbside recycling program. The homes chosen will begin receiving recycling bins from Stevens Dispos-All. The program is being run on a trial basis to work out details, such as the volume of recyclable materials that will be generated by collection.
A special walnut tree has been planted on the lawn in front of Old Centre on Centre College’s campus. It’s a Sam Houston black walnut tree. Centre student Bert Driver’s father and grandfather developed the Sam Houston black walnut after collecting seedlings from the yard of the one-room school house in Maryville, Tennessee where the frontiersman once taught. To commemorate the bicentennial of Houston’s birth, about 60 trees have been planted this year, primarily in the Texas city that bears his name. Driver, a senior from Smithville, Tennessee asked the college to plant one of the trees in honor of Charles Robert Lee Jr., a history professor who retired this year after being diagnosed with cancer.
In the 1970s Boyle County farmer William Balden worked for a technique change when bringing tobacco into the the sale warehouses that would save countless hours and dollars for the state’s growers. In 1973, the University of Kentucky started experimenting with gathering tobacco in bales rather than in hands — which were small bundles tied at their base by a tobacco leaf. Balden estimates the new method has saved Kentucky farmers about $40 million a year, and that in light of the current labor shortage has perhaps saved the industry.