From our files, May 05
Published 6:12 am Saturday, May 5, 2018
100 YEARS AGO — 1918
A.J. May, the well known farmer and stockman from the Rolling Fork area, was in Danville last week. While making some repairs on his home recently, when removing some weatherboarding, he found a spool of flax thread. It was wrapped on a cane and was in a high state of preservation. While the thread was small it was almost impossible to break it. Mr. May believes the thread was spun at least 75 years ago. The home was in the somewhat dim past owned by the father of Hon. J. Harvey Minor, of Boyle County, and it is believed this thread was spun from flax grown on the farm at that time.
For sale in Danville by the J.B. Tucker Agency: Lot no. 12 on East Main Street, 100 feet front and 400 feet deep. Lot reaches from Main Street to Fallis Avenue, on which could be sold two building lots. On this lot is an 8-room residence with every modern convenience, gas, electricity and water. Poultry house, big garden, barn, etc., fruit of all kinds, magnificent home.
Shakertown, that has for more than a century enjoyed the quietude of the followers of Ann Lee, with its quaint buildings and lovely surroundings, is to be turned into a resort for the weary-worn traveler. Burgin & Embry have leased the old red brick building and will ope a Summer Inn and Automobile Road House. Burgin & Embry are caterers well and favorable known in Kentucky and Florida. Mrs. Embry successfully managed Boone Loop Tea House before it burned, and it is predicted that Shakertown will become more popular and widely known under the guiding hands of these popular hosts.
75 YEARS AGO — 1943
Mrs. M.T. Minor entertained with a party in celebration of the fifth birthday of Mona Louise Minor. Outdoor games, swinging and the sandpile were enjoyed during the afternoon. The table was covered with a lace cloth and held in the center the birthday cake Favors of pop prizes and chewing gum were given to the guests who were: Judith McMakin, Janic Wofod, Paula Mananni, Helen Glore, Carolyn Noonan, Eliza Hundley, Lena Bell Robinson, Ann Lee Sullivan, Ann Whitaker, Martha Ann Acton, Mary Ellen Brown, Jane Ellen Simson, Emily Gayle Foster, Nancy Edwards, Mary Tuttle, Dianne Miller, Nancy Moore, Charles Whitaker, bobby Osteen, Sonny Hay, Shelby Frazer and Milton and Marion Minor.
Wanted: Female high school graduates about 18 years of age, must be touch typist for training, for operating position with Western Union telegraphy company, whose services are considered one of those important to the war effort. If accepted will be paid 30 cents per hour 48 hours per week while training. Upon completion of training will be placed in a regular position, preferable near home. For full particulars apply to the manager of the Western Union Telegraphy Company in Danville.
Danville Admirals came within 11 points of winning the regional high school track meet on Stoll Field in Lexington. The second-place success of the Admirals was accounted for mostly by a one-man show, Dopey Phelps, who took first place in the 100-yard dash, broad jump and the 220-yard dash.
The Junior Class of the Junction City High School entertained members of the senior class in a most delightful way by giving them a picnic on Gwinn Island. A picnic dinner, boat rides and swimming offered a variety of gaiety for each person. The group then came to Danville for a picture show at the Kentucky Theatre.
A fitting memorial to the men and women from Boyle County in the service of their country will be erected on the used car lot at the corner of Fourth and Main if plans formulated by Ned Wiseman, chairman of the county salvage campaign, materialize.
Mr. Wiseman announced that L.N. Garner of Baugh & Garner Furniture Company will provide the board and that Mattingly & Rapier Chevrolet Company will give the use of their lot for erecting the memorial. Erection of the memorial, aside from giving recognition to the men and women who are offering their lives for America, will be an effectual means of getting in much of the scrap still lying in the county. It had been suggested that the memorial be erected in the courthouse yard, but the idea was discarded in favor of the used car lot.
50 YEARS AGO — 1968
Steve Bright, a student formerly at Danville and Boyle County high schools, led a field of 47 candidates in winning re-election as a student government representative at the University of Kentucky. Bright credited his campaign manager, ,Quentin Scholtz, as the major factor in the victory.
The appointment of William W. Gravely as the new coordinator of music and band director for the 1968-69 school year, has been announced. The assignment is for a 10.5-month per year period. Gravely is replacing Edward Clark who resigned to re-enter business.
The Sunday menu for the Gregory Colonial Restaurant (entrance at Begley Drugs) includes: T-bone Steak Dinner with french fries, salad and drink, $1.90; Baked ham with fruit garnish with choice of two vegetables, salad, dessert, drink roll, cornstick and butter, $1.40; Roast turkey and dressing with sides, $1.35; Bakes Swiss steak with sides, $1.25; Salmon loaf with sides, $1.
25 YEARS AGO — 1993
Dr. Maan Jamal has been in Liberty only a few days and already the native of Syria has experienced culture shock. “After spending the last few years up North in Michigan, I was surprised when I came here. Yes, I am going through culture shock — the shock of meeting people who are so friendly, just like the people back home, “Jamal said. “I grew up in a small town outside of Damascus in Syria, and both the people and the weather are very similar to here in Casey County — both are very warm.”
Junction City’s fired police chief has a new job in Hustonville, and the former Hustonville police chief has a new job in Junction City.
Danville police are cautioning residents that a bogus group is going door-to-door asking for money in the name of the state’s health reform task force.