From our files, June 7
Published 6:57 am Saturday, July 7, 2018
100 YEARS AGO — 1918
When the clock strikes 12 in Danville, every citizen of the town is requested to offer a short prayer for the success of our soldiers on the battlefields in Europe. There is much to be gained by sincere prayer to God and it is hoped that our people will respond to this request, which originated with one of our good ladies.
The following is a list of the colored schools and teachers in Boyle County for the next school year: Perryville, Mrs. D. Murrell; Aliceton, Amilia Goodloe; Parksville, Louis Carpenter; Atoka, Elizabeth Parr; Zion Hill, Florence Miller; Danville, J.W. Bate as principal; Faulconer Station School, Louise Owsley; Stony Point, Sophia Craig; Clifton, Florence Moore, Shelby City, Minnie Hunn; Junction City, Irinne Boyden and Mitchellsburg, teacher not known.
Plans are being drawn by B.A. Herman, chief engineer of the M.W. and S. lines for the improvement of the Southern Railway terminals at Danville, which are scheduled to begin late this summer. It will cost about $1 million.
Chairman of the War Savings Committee of Boyle County said the campaign for subscriptions to War Savings Stamps will continue until Boyle’s quota of $305,000 is raised. To date, not quite $200,000 has been subscribed, but the workers are still on the job and there seems no doubt about this country’s going over the top.
Noland Bros of Danville have opened a cream buying station where farmers may take their cream and receive the highest market prices. They will also test milk for butter fat free of charge. By this method farmers may know exactly which cows pay and which do not. It is claimed that farmers who sell their cream and keep their sweet skimmed milk for feeding are making more money from their herds than any other method.
75 YEARS AGO — 1943
The honor of having a native African tribesman assume his “American” name recently befell Ollie W. Stucker, Chief Petty Officer lc. United States Navy while he was in the midst of action of the African continent. Mr. Stucker arrived in Danville on July 1 on a 30-day leave, and is visiting his wife and 3-year-old son, Ollie Jr. at their home on North Third Street. He is head cook for his unit in North Africa. While there some of the dark-skinned tribe-members became friendly with the white Navy men. It was in this association that a 25-year-old African boy became Ollie W. Stucker, II, thereby conferring upon the Danville native a special honor. A guard at Darnall General Hospital at the time of his enlistment, Mr. Stucker has also been a local repairman for Lillard May’s Garage and the Mattingly-Rapier Chevrolet Co.
Over 1,000 quart cans of green beans for 45 families have been processed in the Broadway community cannery in the three half-day and three full-day sessions since opening last week. The record for having canned the most quarts is currently held by Mrs. Luther Traynor, who has canned 128 quarts.
Eight Danville and Boyle County residents passed their driver’s license exam. They are: Russell Christy; Dennis Pike, B.H. Terrell, Rube Kubale, Napoleon Triplett, Amelia Sleet Burton, Woodrow Wilson and Joe Rice Johnson.
The Rev. George Andrews, 65, dropped dead early Friday afternoon in front of the Greyhound bus station on East Main Street The Rev. Andrews, of Green Street, was the presiding elder of the AME Church.
50 YEARS AGO — 1968
Advertisement: Fresh donuts daily from Burke’s Bakery; Breakfast served at 7 a.m. daily; Special Italian spaghetti dinner, served with meat sauce of meat balls, bread, slaw or tossed salad, cheese and drink only 90 cents at Pasquale’s in the Greenleaf Shopping Center.
Letter to the Editor: Another Fourth of July has passed, a day in which we fortunate Americans can pause and be thankful for the privilege of living in a free country. The thing that bothers me is the fact that some business houses in Danville took advantage of our freedom celebration to keep their doors open and put on sales etc., to fatten their pocketbooks. … I realize some business places have to remain open, such as gas stations, restaurants etc. that cater to the daily needs of the American public, but I think that places of business that do not sell the necessities of everyday use should close their doors on our day of freedom celebrating and I think it is very unAmerican not to do so. Honest patriotism is never out of date, never old fashion and to me it seems it is needed more these days than ever before. Frank Black.
The American Greetings‘ $6 million Danville facility will be formally dedicated on Sept. 19. Preliminary plans indicate a parade through downtown Danville for the occasion and the decoration of the downtown streets. Governor Louise Nunn.
Members of the 1958 graduating class of Danville High School will have their 10th anniversary reunion tomorrow. A number of class members have been working on the preparations for several months including, Vivian and Jimmy Cooper, Patty Harmon Arnold, Fayola Cox Galloway, Bobby Griffin, Steele Gregory and Larry Dykes.
25 YEARS AGO — 1993
The floor at Penn’s Store sags, The boxes of Jell-O and sacks of sugar look like they might slide right off the crooked shelves along one wall that has slipped off its foundation. A piece of wood supports the chimney and wires hold up the Warm Morning stove’s pipe. All these characteristics add to the charm of the store. But Jeanne Lane, and her mother, Alma “Tincy” Penn Lane, want to make it safe and accessible for tourists while at the same time changing it as little as possible.
It would cost between $10.5 million and $11.8 million to protect Perryville from the type of damage caused by a flash flood in June 1992, according to a draft report from the Army Corps of Engineers. But the report concludes it isn’t economically justified. Perryville Mayor Phelps “Peck” Evans doesn’t agree and thinks the historic town should be protected.
Residents of Streamland subdivision woke up on the 4th of July to a patriotic surprise. Nearly every yard in the subdivision sported an American flag. The flags, all 275 of them, were the work of Sandy Statom who is a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker VIP Realty. She took her boss seriously when Nina Kirkland asked who wanted flags for the 4th. Statom took 275 of the 500 ordered. Starting at 9:30 p.m. July 3, Statom and her 12-year-old daughter, Misty, started around the neighborhood in a golf cart putting out the flags. The work was completed by 1:30 a.m. However, Statom said about 25 houses had to be skipped because there weren’t enough flags.