Ellis for magistrate in District 1

Published 6:09 am Saturday, September 29, 2018

Dear Editor,

The purpose of my letter to the editor is to endorse and give personal backing to Tom Ellis, candidate for magistrate in the First District, Boyle County Fiscal Court.

Born and raised here in Boyle County, I have witnessed the harm decades of one-party fiscal court rule has brought. In just one serious example, as reported last week in The Advocate-Messenger, the costly fiscal court funded jail study proves there has been a lack of elected official action, leadership and judgment over the years on issues vital to Boyle County taxpayers. In turn, that has placed our region in a financial and human condition bind among prisoners, too often dangerously crowded in our long outdated jail.

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Though the writing has been on the wall for years, fiscal court failed to act in a timely manner. Now, due to severe jail overcrowding, our county is at risk. As the $75,000 study revealed, Boyle County is in jeopardy of a higher court demand. Fiscal court, ultimately meaning we as taxpayers must face the music through potential lawsuits, even a mandate to fund a multi-million-dollar new prison.

In contrast to these inefficiencies in our current fiscal court, my friendship with Tom Ellis began and our bond has since grown as I have gotten to know this man and his works. The depth of skills Tom Ellis possesses, with over 25 corporate years’ experience in local, state and federal governmental affairs illustrate his strengths. Likewise, his Christian walk shows his giving character and God-led leadership ability.

A now retired corporate executive, Tom Ellis recently showed unusual abilities in a project he ushered into being at our church. Enlisting the help of others in our congregation, as well as a local Boy Scout Troop, Tom Ellis built a huge grill and bon-fire pit, with a large seating area on church grounds. In leading this project he laid many of the bricks with his own hands. His boundless energy and breadth of talent will serve Boyle County well when we elect Tom Ellis to serve on fiscal court.

It is time for change on fiscal court. Make your vote count. Elect Tom Ellis, First District Magistrate.

Steve Campbell
