Best ways to manage beef cattle in late summer
Published 6:20 am Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Ag Notes
Here are some beef management tips:
Keep a good mineral mix available at all times.
Do not give up on fly control in late summer, especially if fly numbers are greater than
about 50 flies per animal. You can use a different “type” of spray or pour-on to kill any resistant flies at the end of fly season.
Avoid working cattle when temperatures are extremely high, especially those grazing high-endophyte fescue. If cattle must be handled, do so in the early morning.
Provide shade and water. Cattle will need shade during the hot part of the day. Check
water supply frequently — as much as 20 gallons may be required by high producing cows in very hot weather.
Cattle may also be more prone to eat poisonous plants during periods of extreme temperature stress. They will stay in “wooded” areas and browse on plants that they would not normally consume. Consider putting a roll of hay in these areas and/or spraying plants like purple (perilla) mint, which can be toxic.
Select pastures for stockpiling. Remove cattle and apply nitrogen. Stockpiled fescues
can be especially beneficial for fall-calving cows after calving.
Take soil samples to determine pasture fertility needs. Fertilize as needed this fall.
Jerry Little is the Boyle County extension agent for Agriculture/Natural Resources.