Herron for Boyle County attorney

Published 6:51 am Friday, October 19, 2018

Chris Herron, candidate for Boyle County attorney, has impressed me. I supported him initially — and I’ll admit, cautiously — because he is a conservative. Having discussed with him (at great length) the issues facing our county over the past many months, I can support him without reservation for his ideas, his insight, and his energy — all of which will make the county attorney’s office more efficient.

Efficiency is a big deal, not just for the office, not just for those who come before the court, not just for the families of those facing charges, but also for taxpayers. By ensuring cases are handled timely, the time someone will be incarcerated, pending a bond hearing or awaiting trial, can be reduced.

Less time in jail waiting for the wheels of justice to turn means:

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1. Individuals who have made a mistake will have their cases handled quickly so they can recover from that mistake without losing their job, leaving children to be cared for by family or the state, and without converting them from a productive member of our community into a long-term drain on our resources.

2. The number of beds needed at the jail will be reduced, since the time spent behind bars awaiting the next step in the legal process will shorten. They can sleep in their own bed and pay their own bills — or be processed quicker to spend time in our jail or another appropriate facility.

3. Families will not be held hostage, awaiting a decision about their loved ones, and can regain normalcy sooner.

4. Those who need drug treatment and those who can be sentenced to home incarceration will be placed sooner — lightening the load on our jail and on taxpayers.

Chris has well-conceived ideas to handle things better, faster and more efficiently. I welcome the opportunity to vote for him to achieve a fresh perspective, renewed energy and drive in our county attorney’s office. With our current jail issues, now is NOT the time to accept the “status quo.”

If my experience is any indication, working alongside Chris will be rewarding. I believe those who will work with him in the courthouse will find his appreciation for the ideas of others, his kind words and his heartfelt thanks just as rewarding.

Join me at the polls on Nov. 6 to vote for Chris Herron for Boyle County Attorney.

Angela Allen
