From our files, March 23
Published 6:40 pm Friday, March 22, 2019
100 YEARS AGO — 1919
The Standard Oil Company has leased the Weisiger lot on the corner of Walnut and Second streets in Danville and will soon erect a modern and up-to-date gasoline and oil service station, similar to those in larger cities. This great corporation builds these stations in only the most progressive cities. While it will not necessarily mean a saving in the cost of gasoline to users, it will be of great convenience and adds much to our city.
Mrs. A.J. Dunn and Mr. J.M. Smith have sold their residence, located on the corner of Fourth and Broadway to Capt. A.B. Massey. Capt. Massey, who can always be depended on to do the right thing at the proper time, will substantially improve the property and convert the home into two apartments, which will be modern in every way. The property is ideally located and will be leased long before Capt. Massey can possibly have it completed.
In Lincoln County on Thursday at about noon, F. Reid was having 50 fine black cattle he had bought in Cincinnati unloaded and was driving them from Rowland to his farm out on the Hustonville Pike, when passenger train No. 23 ran into the herd and killed eight of them and wounded two others. It was about the prettiest bunch of black cattle that has been seen in this section in a long time and the loss to Mr. Reid or the railroad company, will be heavy.
75 YEARS AGO — 1944
Six Kentucky motorists, stranded in Florida when they were denied gasoline purchases by the Office of Price Administration will be called on to explain where they got the gasoline for their long trips. Five of the people were from Danville. An OPA official said “We already have instructed their local ration boards to take statements from them upon their return to Kentucky… somebody may be embarrassed.”
Robert S. Darbishire has donated more than 100 trees for Constitution Square. Darbishire offered the trees to the Garden Club, and after permission was obtained from the State Park Commission, he began to set them out. Advice was gotten from a nurseryman as to the placing and a plan has been followed whereby the buildings will appear to be in a clearing with the trees planted on the outer grounds to give a wilderness effect. While the work has been under the auspices of the Danville Garden Club, Darbishire has done most of it himself. The trees are all native to Kentucky.
Billy Conn, famed heavyweight prizefighter, passed through Danville on his way to Florida Saturday night. Conn, who had gotten a 30-day leave from the armed forces, stopped for a few minutes at the Brunswick. It is reported that he offered someone a free ride south since he was driving alone in a red convertible Buick.
50 YEARS AGO — 1969
Danville residents are rejoicing over the announcement that the city is one of 11 in the entire United States that has been designated “All American” by Look Magazine and the National Municipal League. Officials designated April 20, 21, 22 and 23 as four days of dignified celebration that will kick off a year’s observance of the honor.
A tremendously destructive forest fire occurred yesterday in Boyle County. Shortly after 10 a.m. Sunday, the Boyle County Fire Department received a call about a fire that had broken out near a road in Parksville. Soon after, another fire was reported on New Pike Road in Mitchellsburg that was burning close to a number of houses. All four Boyle county engine companies were called to fight the blazes, as well as all nearby units of the forestry department. As flames raged from Mitchellsburg, through Junction City, across Cream Ridge, Parksville and throughout the entire Knobs area, all firemen, volunteers and people willing to contribute their services were asked to join the battle which lasted until 8 p.m. According to an official, only Mother Nature and rain saved the entire area from total destruction.
Lexington Avenue Baptist Church has chosen Palm Sunday, March 30, as the time to enter its new educational facilities. The three-story building that will add 26,000 square feet to the original structure is located on the east side and to the rear of the sanctuary.
25 YEARS AGO — 1994
The possibility of Danville annexing Junction City came up during a Danville City Council meeting because Junction must renew its water contract with Danville in order to qualify for a Farmers Home Administration loan to pay for needed improvements to its water and sewer system. “I have been informally approached by officials from Junction City about being annexed,” said Danville Mayor John Bowling.
While many antebellum mansions have been restored, many homes and establishments that were important in the history of Kentucky’s black people more often than not have been razed. A new commission recently named by Gov. Brereton Jones hopes to give the remaining edifices and the many events of black history the same status the state has given to white history. The 16-member Kentucky African-American Heritage Commission includes Helen Fisher Frye, of Danville. A retired teacher and leader of the local black community, Frye has been active in promoting greater awareness of black history and culture, while at the same time pushing for better relations with the white community. Frye said she has long been involved in trying to identify and restore, if possible, buildings and other historic properties of African-Americans in Danville. “Years ago we restored an old cemetery on Meadows Lane in West Danville, then got to work on the project to restore the Willis Russell House,” Frye said. Of particular concern to Frye is the South Second Street area, which years ago was a bustling part of Danville’s black community with stores, professional offices, restaurants, churches and recreational centers. “Even though our ancestors had meager means, they were able to build up a thriving area that was filled with stores and shops … This area should have been the subject of restoration, not the object of destruction,” Frye said.