From our files, April 13

Published 9:08 pm Friday, April 12, 2019

100 YEARS AGO — 1919

John and Gus Tunis, proprietors of the New York Restaurant, with Theodore Brown as head chef, will open for business in their new stand opposite the Hotel Gilcher tomorrow. The dining room is one of the most beautiful and commodious in the state, the capacity being 100 people at a time. The highest class meals will be served, as well as short orders of any kind at any hour, night or day. This is such a restaurant as Danville has needed for years.

The Danville Fish and Oyster Market will open Thursday in the room formerly occupied by the New York Restaurant in Danville. An interesting feature to all housekeepers is that no charges will be made for dressing fish. The place will be one of the most sanitary ever seen in Danville. Live jumbo frogs will be one of the specialties and will be seen in the specially prepared pool in the show window. Other delicatessens will be halibut, Spanish mackerel, red snapper, flounders, white fish, yellow perch, herring, pike and carp. Seventeen varieties of fish will be sold and will be shipped to Danville on the morning they are caught. No cold storage fish will be sold.

Belle Frazier was arrested Saturday morning in Danville by Sheriff Farris and Jailer Timoney on a charge of selling a pint of whiskey. She was tried that morning and was fined $100 and costs.

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Lost and found: Lost, automobile bumper, reward if returned to the newspaper office. Found, black child’s glove. Owner may have it by going to the newspaper office and paying for this advertisement.

A beautiful residence and 25 choice building lots on East Main Street at Bruce Court will be sold at public auction on April 18. There will be a band concert before and during the sale. There will also be $100 in gold given away. Easy terms at six percent. The home was formerly owned by J.L. Bruce. The home has modern conveniences of electric and gas lights, with nine rooms, two halls, large bath, linen closets, extra thick doors and each bedroom has private dressing room. It has city conveniences, and county luxuries without city taxes. Ladies are especially invited to attend.

75 YEARS AGO — 1944

All churches in Harrodsburg and Mercer County have been requested to offer special prayers on Sunday for the 66 Mercer County boys who were taken prisoner by the Japanese after the fall of Bataan two years ago this month. The request came from J.D. Russell, superintendent of the Sunday School at Hopewell Baptist Church, whose son Vernon H. Russell, is a prisoner of war of the Japanese Government.

Railroad traffic was delayed briefly Friday morning when a southbound passenger train bumped a freight train on a side track three miles north of Danville. No damage was incurred because the engineer applied the brakes of the passenger train and brought it to an almost complete stop before it struck the freight train. Livestock aboard the freight train scattered, but were returned to the cars uninjured.

With the recent opening of an enlarged fur department, Danville Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company now offers a service equal to those in larger cities. A new storage vault has been added and a separate department opened on Third Street in the offices formerly occupied by Dr. Clinton. The best care is given to the furs with regular monthly treatment of carboxide gas for protection against moths.

Captain George Chinn of Harrodsburg, member of the United States Marine Corps, recently completed a book on the 50-caliber machine gun, which will be published by the Naval Ordnance Department and used as a textbook for Navy students. Chin has also invented an attachment to the 50-caliber machine gun which speeds up its firing. Already in use, the Navy has applied for a patent on the attachment.

50 YEARS AGO — 1969

About 10,000 seedlings, most being white pine, will be given away to readers of The Advocate-Messenger in a project to help beautify Danville and Boyle County.The seedlings will be available as long as the supply lasts.

David Glenn Galloway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Galloway of Baughman Avenue, celebrated his fourth birthday with a “Winnie the Pooh” party. Each guest was presented with a Winnie the Pooh coloring book and crayons at the close of the party. Guests included Debra Casey, Elaine Phillips, Kim Henderson, Kathy, Beth Ann, Terry and Michael Ryan, Robbie Goode, Bobby McDaniel, Scotty Cross, Tommy Stevens and Rex Daugherty.

News from Washington D.C.: Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower would have free mail privileges for the rest of her life under a bill passed by the House. The measure, sent to the Senate by voice vote, follows the tradition of giving free mail service to widows of presidents and former presidents.

25 YEARS AGO — 1994

It’s not unusual for local leaders to band together behind a campaign to bring new business and industry to a community. But a new campaign has formed to keep existing business and industry in Boyle county. About two dozen volunteers gathered to get their marching orders for a survey of Danville businesses and industries. The survey is the first step in a long-term effort being started by the newly founded Boyle County Business Retention and Expansion Program.

Fitting the curriculum of the 1990s into school buildings of the 1950s is one of the problems Danville’s school facility planning committee must grapple with. Assistant Superintendent Don Turner said Danville’s schools were built during the times when a typical classroom was 25-30 desks a teacher and chalkboard. “That is not the way of the future,” he said. Technology in schools brings in not only computers, but videotapes, specialized programs and the ability to talk to schools around the world.