Scrapbook items, Nov. 16, 2016
Published 11:04 am Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Paint Lick accelerated readers
These students are the top 10 accelerated readers through October 21 at Paint Lick Elementary School. Students read books and take comprehension tests with the Accelerator Reader program. Students are awarded points based upon the test results. Pictured are, front row from left, Sydney Putnam, McKenna Jones and Kara Culross. Second row, Lydia Arnold, Christian Fayne, Aundrea Ramirez, Eleanor Srsic, Lily Secrist, Vivianna Weaver and Justin Parsons.
Paint Lick weather students
Bill Meck, Chief Meteorologist for WLEX 18, made his annual visit to Paint Lick Elementary School recently. Mr. Meck met with fourth graders and shared the responsibilities of being a television meteorologist and gave students scientific information about the weather. Students participated in weather skits as they acted as weather elements which causes our weather to change.
Proud pumpkin grower
Khlóe Lee, 12, of Danville, raised pumpkins for first time and is so happy and proud of her accomplishment.
Garden Club works
A group of volunteers from the Garden Club of Danville cleaned up the Monarch Waystation at Jennie Rogers Elementary School on a recent Saturday morning. Among the volunteers were, from left, Jim Porter, Linda Porter, and James Ross. This butterfly garden was designed and installed by the club in 2013 under the direction of Linda Porter, Garden Club of Kentucky Butterflies and Pollinators Chair. The garden is used as a teaching lab for Elizabeth Stamp’s science classes at Jennie Rogers. The students plant annuals and vegetables in the garden every year and Garden Club members teach classes on butterfly life cycles and migration. A certified Monarch Waystation contains host and nectar plants like milkweed to sustain the butterflies on their yearly migrations between Canada and Mexico. While adult monarch butterflies can sip nectar from many kinds of flowers, their caterpillars eat only milkweed plants.
Costume winner
Aiden McGinnis-Shearer, 4, of Danville, was awarded first-place by Karen Logue in the costume contest held at West T. Hill Community Theatre following the Heart of Danville’s Halloween Event Oct. 31. He was dressed as Thomas the Tank Engine and is the son of Brenda Shearer, Clarissa McGinnis, and Scotty Shearer.