Perryville Battlefield worth preserving

Published 6:43 pm Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Dear Magistrate Sammons,

I recently read the article in The Advocate-Messenger that you are less than pleased about the purchase of an additional tract of land located in Perryville, Kentucky, by the American Battlefield Trust. The newspaper quoted you as saying in reference to the purchase “… enough is enough.” You also stated that “[m]y point is that another 100 acres is not going to bring any more tourists to this town than it does right now.”

I will tell you that, approximately 8 years ago, my family and I traveled from Ohio, where we resided at the time, to Kentucky for the sole purpose of visiting Perryville Battlefield. I was quite impressed with the park and the local preservation efforts. Since then, I have tried to keep current on the events at Perryville and I have been very impressed with the multitude of efforts to buy additional tracts of land to increase and protect the battlefield.

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I am sure you are aware that over 7,600 soldiers were killed, wounded, or missing as a result of the battle. Personally, I truly hope that every last acre of this hallowed ground is preserved forever. In the end, it’s not about how many tourists visit Perryville or how much tax revenue you may lose as a result of private land being sold for preservation efforts. It’s about your city’s incredibly important historical significance in American history. More than anything, it’s about remembering and honoring the men who fought and died there on October 8, 1862.

I can tell you that when my wife recently asked what I wanted to do for Father’s Day, I told her that I want to go back to Perryville to show my appreciation to the people of Perryville for their preservation efforts there. Therefore, my family and I are planning a trip from Indiana, where we currently reside, to Perryville this June to visit the battlefield and Perryville.

Perhaps you can count my family of five as the first tourists to visit as a result of the additional 100 acres of land that were recently purchased for additional preservation of the Perryville Battlefield.

Michael E. Buckley

Ellettsville, Indiana