Our greatest honor and privilege is the love of God

Published 6:43 pm Thursday, June 20, 2019


Living on Purpose

When we are truly in love with someone, nothing can keep us from them. It sounds like the beginning of a beautiful, romantic love story doesn’t it? Actually, it is a love story, but its between us and God.

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The Lord is inviting us today to spend more time with him, and to fall in love with him so deeply that nothing in this world can interfere with this bond of holy intimacy.

We can be as close to God as we want and be filled with his spirit, with a constant awareness of his presence — if we choose him as the love of our life. If this is what you are seeking today, then you have found the meaning and purpose of your existence. Our free-will decision to refuse is the only obstacle that can prevent us from becoming what Jesus died for us to be.

Our nature comes fully equipped with the ability to be infatuated and controlled with whatever we love and more than willing to bow down to whatever our highest priority is. We usually deny that we are our own king, which helps to explain why we rarely consider the fact that idolatry has more to do with the one we see in the mirror than an external influence, or master.

God will compel, but does not force anyone to worship him and according to his truth, the dark side also abides by the same principles. In other words, you and I are constantly being influenced and choosing whom we will serve and obey every moment.

The more that God is on our mind, the more we will become like him. When all is said and done, and we stand before his throne, the amount of our conscience we allowed him to occupy will reveal what meant the most to us. We realize it’s difficult to serve and worship someone we cannot see, and our carnal desires hate the idea of submitting to anything that interferes with our independence.

The Christian life includes having a passion to be with Jesus every moment and if we do not have this, somewhere we have drifted away. As we draw nearer to him, he will open our spiritual eyes and allow us to see and know his plans.

Our attitude exposes the vast difference between living in a default religious experience, or becoming a sincere follower of Christ. The question for all of us is how much of God do we want, and how desperate are we to know him?

The school of Christian living is our daily classroom and within our prayers should be the request to understand what we are learning. Without wisdom, knowledge is just a collection of facts, and in the Christian journey it’s not how much we know, but how much we apply.

We love and worship God not because of what he can do or how much he will give, but simply because we are infatuated with who he is. Our joy overflows when we meditate about his love, as our broken and contrite heart releases a sweet-smelling aroma in the beauty of his holiness.

It is with trusting innocence that we can snuggle into the lap of our loving heavenly Father, where we are content, as he places his arms around us and gently holds us, and gives us his peace that passes all understanding. In the essence of his glory we become supernaturally entwined with the creator and ruler of the universe who longs to mold us as soft clay on the potter’s wheel.

This miracle of transformation can happen when we sincerely abandon our old nature and embrace him as the Lord of our destiny. Only then can our life finally begin its humble descent, so that Christ can increase and be manifested within us.

If we want more of God, we must choose to deliberately pursue him. Spending time with him allows us to know him personally and to learn more about our calling. When he becomes the focus of our purpose, the awareness of his presence will become as natural as breathing.

To know God is the meaning of our existence — to worship him is our most precious gift, and to love him is our greatest honor and privilege.

“Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:12-13.

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