Still time to comment on pipeline plan

Published 12:59 pm Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dear Editor,

There has been some confusion regarding the status of the Kinder-Morgan (K-M) application to FERC to abandon pipeline #100-1 which runs through Boyle County. I appreciate the coverage on the pipeline issues from The Advocate-Messenger. However, I want to make clear that it is not too late to submit a comment to FERC about why you think this application is potentially hazardous to the health and safety of our community and therefore deserving of an (EIS) environmental impact statement. The deadline is Friday, Dec. 2.

If you are wondering if you could be impacted by the change from transport of natural gas to natural gas liquids (NGLs) then ask yourself β€” do you use Herrington Lake for recreation and/or drinking water? Then you are impacted. Do you send children to Hogsett Elementary? Then you are impacted. Do you have a home or business in southern Danville, near Jean Drive or Vail Drive or Gose Pike? Then you are impacted. Do you work in the business complex off Lebanon Road? Then you are impacted.

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Your letter to FERC can express your concerns regarding the age of the pipeline (70+ years old), the proximity to schools, homes, businesses and our drinking water, the karst terrain, the fact that this kind of repurposing, which will reverse the flow and change the flow from gas to liquids (increasing the pressure), has never been tried before and we do not want to be the guinea pigs.

Your letter should request an EIS and should cite the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which requires FERC to consider the consequences of federal action. In this case, that would be the approval of the abandonment which would lead to K-M repurposing the pipeline for NGL transport which holds significantly more risk than the simple abandonment of the line.

There is a lot of information on the pipeline and its potential hazards in Advocate-Messenger articles starting in 2015. Please educate yourself and send a comment to FERC at Please include the phrase β€œthe abandonment and repurposing of Tennessee Gas pipeline #100-1 would have a significant impact on the environment,” and cite the case docket number CP15-88-000. There is zero economic benefit to Boyle County and significant risk to our health and safety. FERC needs to hear from you before Dec. 2! Thank you.

Julie Pease
