From our Files
Published 7:09 pm Friday, September 6, 2019
100 YEARS AGO — 1919
Prof. L.C. Bosley, superintendent of Danville Schools said the largest attendance at the opening were at the graded and high schools that have ever been known. Greater interest in the public school system is manifesting itself each year. The enrollment in the city schools is 700, which is an increase of 54 students from last year. For a time, Danville was a city of private schools, but since the combining of Centre College Academy with the high school last year, the people are beginning to appreciate the public schools.
An unusual number of cases have been tried on the first two days of Boyle Circuit Court. Some of the cases and sentences included: Cliff Caldwell, flourishing a deadly weapon, $50; William Leavell, shooting in sudden affray, $200; Henry Simpson, breaking into a corn crib with intent to steal, not guilty; Jesse Minor, receiving stolen goods valued more than $20, one month and a day in jail.
Danville High School will have a football team this year. Pitt Green, principal of the school, and for several years assistant football coach for Centre, will have the squad in charge. The school board has granted a certain amount of money to be spent for suits and other equipment. The boys are anxious to get busy and Pitt declared he will turn out a winner.
L.N. Marks and Frank West will soon open a modern and up-to-date electrical shop in the Flaig storeroom on Main Street in Danville. It will be known as the Marks-West Electric Company, and every kind of electrical appliance will be carried in stock. They will also do all kinds of electrical contract work.
The beautiful new subdivision that will be opened up by J.H. Baughman and G.B. Swinebroad adjoining the City of Danville will be supplied with water and electricity.
75 YEARS AGO — 1944
Dear Editor: As I sat at my desk and gazed out of my window on Main Street, I noticed so many girls walking aimlessly about. It seemed they had no realization that there is a war on as they are window shopping. … When you see these strolling beauties, you wonder why they aren’t in one of the many worthwhile jobs they could do. … These girls are needed, and needed now, to bring our wounded soldiers back to health. Why can’t they see this?
A brief celebration to observe Boyle County’s debt-free status will be held in front of the courthouse when the last bonds outstanding against the county will be burned. The indebtedness was incurred in 1926 when the people voted a bond issue of $100,000 for road construction. These funds were matched by the state 2 for 1. The Hustonville Pike, most of Shakertown Pike, Perryville Road from Perryville to the Washington County line, the Lancaster pike and the Parksville-Brumfield Pike were constructed with these funds. The ceremony of burning the bonds will leave Boyle County absolutely debt fee with the exception of current bills, which are paid monthly. Only a few counties in Kentucky are in such a favorable position.
The Nursery School at the Maple Avenue and Bate schools will open at 7:30 Monday morning. Eligible to attend the nursery schools are children under school age whose mothers are employed. The project is offered as a community service.
50 YEARS AGO — 1969
While many college students have found it difficult to find money to go to school, the Farmers National Bank of Danville has continued its student loan program. Dating from 1968, the bank now has $130,000 outstanding in student loans. At the present time, this figure represents 135 students.
The Boyle Fiscal Court has given OKs to two zoning changes that were previously approved by the Danville and Boyle County Planning and Zoning Board. A tract of 45.87 at the edge of the Carlisle Minor Farm between Lebanon Road and the bypass was approved for zoning as industrial instead of agriculture, and it is understood that the Whirlpool Corporation has started building in that area. The second change was a Quisenberry tract at the intersection of Perryville Road and the bypass containing 23 acres from agriculture to commercial.
Preparation is underway to convert Pioneer Playhouse into a large Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Local Witnesses and other volunteer workers are building an attractive stage with a “South Seas” flavor. About 600 delegates are expected at the site for the assembly’s opening session.
Al Springate, 71, a widely known fisherman who lived for many years near Gwinn Island has died. He was self-styled “Bass Bug King,” and originator and creator of the fly fishing lure called “Handlebar Hank.” He used to say that showing this lure to a Lake Herrington largemouth bass was like smacking a wildcat in the face with a buggy whip.
25 YEARS AGO — 1994
Sen. Mitch McConnell told the Danville-Boyle County Chamber of Commerce that the U.S. health care was the best in the world and that minor adjustments were needed rather than the complete overhaul proposed by President Clinton. McConnell suggested two reforms as the most needed: prohibiting insurance companies from denying people coverage because of pre-existing conditions, and allowing people to keep their coverage even when they change jobs.
Before the Chamber luncheon where McConnell spoke, he listened to six single mothers talk about how the federally funded program called Even Start has helped them and their children. Even Start began last year in Danville with a $150,000 federal grant matched by funds from the Boyle county and Danville school districts. The program helps children prepare for school while helping parents with their own education.
The fate of the clock that sits atop a barn on industrial park land will be decided following a public hearing before the Danville-Boyle County Planning and Zoning Commission. John Camenisch, president of the Boyle County Industrial Foundation, asked P&Z to allow the historic clock to be moved to a barn on the Rolan Coulter farm, about three miles west of the industrial site on Lebanon Road. However, this is contrary to the conditions placed on the property when it was rezoned in 1990. When Boyle Fiscal Court upheld the zone change there was one condition, “the clock and cupola on the barn is to be restored, preserved and maintained or a replica built as a Boyle County landmark on site.”