From our files, September 21
Published 8:38 pm Friday, September 20, 2019
100 YEARS AGO — 1919
About 500 parents, representing six or eight rural school districts in Mercer County are in Harrodsburg to protest the County School Board and the County School superintendent against the compulsory vaccination edict issued by the state and county boards of health that every child shall be inoculated against smallpox before they can enter school. The parents protested after the teachers barred all children from school who were not vaccinated.
For the first time in the history of Burgin, the little city will be lit up with electricity before the end of the week. The wires, electric lamps, etc. have all been placed and are ready for Danville to turn on the power, which will light up Burgin in time for the great fair next week.
When the hometown needs a financial boost, or otherwise, do we go to the big city merchant or the millionaire owner of a mail order store for a “lift” of a helping hand? No, we all go to the hometown merchant who sells dry goods, groceries, shoes, hardware and furniture. That’s the man we look for when we want a contribution to a lawn party, a festival or a fair. That’s the man we ask to help us buy a new church organ or uniforms for the ball team. That’s the man who pays taxes here and whose money helps finance our schools, town, government, streets, fire department and water plant. He’s a hometown man and pulls his pound of the hometown burden. What do you think the mail order millionaire would say if we asked him to do for this town what is done willingly and cheerfully year in and year out by everyone of our hometown merchants? Why, the mail order fellow would laugh at you!
75 YEARS AGO — 1944
Paul Mannini, a Danville resident and business man, was named president of the Danville Aviation Company Inc. The company plans to continue all of its current activities, including the flying and ground schools now being conducted at the airport known as Goodall Field, and the sale of new and used aircraft and service thereon. Many young women are now learning to fly at the local field. A bright future is predicted by Mannini for aviation in Danville.
Closing of McDowell House, the local state-subsidized museum, has been officially confirmed. A $6,000 decrease in park appropriations necessitated operational shutdowns for the McDowell House, as well as Audubon Park near Henderson.
60 war prisoners from the camp established in Lexington, will start work on Monday on Boyle County farms. Local farmers have requested the use of 280 prisoners. Efforts are being made to establish a camp in Boyle County in order that farmers might be better served during the present emergency. However, it is not likely. Local farmers using war prisoner labor have to haul the men daily to and from the Fayette County prison camp. Armed guards, food and other provisions will be provided by the Army. Currently there are 24 local farmers requesting prison labor. If the present tobacco crop is to be harvested before frost, a much larger number of workers will be needed. Practically all farm boys and girls who are large enough, are staying out of school to help their parents harvest the crop.
50 YEARS AGO — 1969
On Friday afternoon, the eve of the city primary election, a group of people and business firms filed a suit in Boyle Circuit Court aimed at preventing the city of Danville from annexing territory on which the firms represented are located. The suit was filed in the names of Sellers Engineering, Jackson of Danville, Fred Cain Equipment, Kentucky Textile Industries and Boyle Block. All of the firms are now located outside the city limits.
Traffic was rerouted for more than five hours on U.S. 150 in front of Sunnyside Pool where a tractor trailer loaded with 42,000 pounds of chemical paint powder jackknifed on the rain slicked highway.
Transporting alcoholic beverages is a big chance for Boyle County residents to take, as one Danville resident just learned. He was caught on Ky. 150 about one mile out of Perryville heading toward Danville. He was stopped by officers Charlie Martin, Al Young and Sheriff Walter Clem. In the trunk they found 20 cases of Sterling beer, six cases of Old Heaven Hill; six cases of Bardstown, five cases of gin, one small case of Yellowstone and one small case of Old Crow. He was fined $130 and given 30 days in the workhouse.
25 YEARS AGO — 1994
Hearing impaired students from 17 Kentucky school districts visited Kentucky School for the Deaf campus as part of Deaf Awareness Week. Between 50 and 75 “mainstreamed” students who are hearing impaired but attend regular public school, played games and ate lunch alongside KSD students. Teachers have long debated which is better for deaf children — mainstream or residential education. But there is no one answer for all deaf children, a spokesperson said.
The Kentucky Revenue Cabinet has decided to go ahead with its blanket reassessment of Boyle County property. The plans are to increase residential assessments by 5.5% Property sold or built in 1992 and 1993 will be exempt.
Monk Simpson said he earns a little extra money by taking old vehicle mufflers to a salvage yard every week. “This is just a hobby and it gives these places a good way to get rid of old parts,” he said.