McConnell’s hypocrisy on display in op-ed
Published 5:41 pm Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Last week on the editorial page of this paper, Mitch McConnell wrote an opinion. In it, he spoke of the support we should all have for the military. I completely agree with him.
In the same article, he denigrated the Democrats for pursuing the impeachment of our president. He accused the members of the House of Representatives of acting in extreme partisanship.
Why then did he consistently undermine the previous president for eight years?
Republican Sen. Voinovich says that McConnell from the start had advised colleagues regarding Obama, “If he was for it, we had to be against it.” Mitch McConnell said it was his number one goal to make sure that Barack Obama was a one term president. He also refused to consider Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland. This was extreme partisanship to deny even a hearing and a vote to this well-qualified judge.
Also, when the Republicans tried to repeal Obamacare, Mitch assembled a group of 13 senators to a task force for healthy policy. They met in strict secrecy. Democrats were excluded from this group. So much for nonpartisanship!
In this article, the senator from Kentucky accuses the Democrats of “partisan frenzy” for neglecting to pass legislation regarding border security and trade deals. The “Grim Reaper” should look at the stack of bills on his desk which have been passed by the House. Or perhaps he should speak to the president about the time wasted on tweets.
The senator inserts this cliche: “In Washington, sometimes the truth is more absurd than fiction.” So true!
With regard to the impeachment inquiry, I have spent hours watching the procedures and I must say it is great to hear Patriots witness in a non-partisan way. I have been inspired by their dedication to country and the many sacrifices they make year after year. This is in marked contrast to the charade performance of many Republicans during this inquiry.
Jeanette Zoé Fieberg