Meetings and briefs, June 5
Published 8:49 am Sunday, June 7, 2020
Boyle County Fiscal Court — 9 a.m. Tuesday, June 9. The in-person meeting will be closed to the public but can be watched on live stream from at link at The tentative agenda includes: consider appointments of Tim Montgomery to the Convention and Visitors Bureau Board and Patricia Beasley to Human Rights Commission; presentation of Boyle County Health Department tax rate; public works presentation for Alum Springs Crosspike; county attorney presentation; conservation district minutes presentation; Constitution Square quarterly endowment statement; solid waste and recycling requests for a copier, and to advertise for a full and part time position; country treasurer requests for approval of court facilities agreement and approval of trails grant; and second reading of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2020-2021.
Danville Boyle County African American Historical Society — 6 p.m. Monday, June 8 at Pioneer Playhouse Indoor Theater. There will be room for social distancing.
The Boyle County Extension District Board — 5:30 p.m. Monday, June 8 on Zoom. Call the Boyle County Cooperative Extension Service at (859) 236-4484 for more information.
Danville offering free face masks
Danville is making available free disposable face masks to its customers while supplies last. Each family is eligible to receive up to 10 free masks. They should bring a copy of their most recent City of Danville utility bill during normal business hours to city hall at 445 W. Main Street, Danville. Each person will be requested to complete a customer contact update form to ensure the city’s records are accurate in the event of a utility or other emergency.