Meetings for week of Jan. 25
Published 2:26 pm Friday, January 22, 2021
Danville/Boyle County Convention and Visitors Bureau — 9 a.m. Monday, Jan. 25 at Hampton Inn. Items on the agenda include: election of officers; job descriptions; and reports.
Danville city commission — 5:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 25. Due to COVID-19, meetings are closed to the public, but they are available live streamed on the city of Danville’s YouTube page. Items on the agenda include: proclamations for National School Counseling Week and Black History Month, a Boyle County Health Department COVID-19 update, a first reading of an ordinance regarding the public art moratorium and a resolution involving the Danville CARES Small Business Relief Program.
Boyle County Fiscal Court — 9 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26 live streamed on the Boyle County Media Channel. Items on the agenda include: update from the Convention and Visitors Bureau; consider board appointments; state bridge contract; business license application fee; discussion of sample nuisance/barking ordinance.
Danville/Boyle County Planning and Zoning — 9 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 27 at The Showroom on Lebanon Road. Items on the agenda include: construction surity for Hunt Farm Section 4 for sidewalk; Whispering Woods subdivision LLC requests subdivision approval for 12.6 acres on Nevius Road, Junction City; Vance and Mindy True and the Entrust Group Inc. requests approval for subdivision of 39.1 acres on Gose Pike; Rolan Coulter requests subdivision of 126.6 acres on Lebanon Road. All properties are zoned Agriculture. There will be public hearings for: Kentucky Lodging and Development Co. Inc and the Peggy Y. Caldwell Irrevocable Trust to amended the Future Land Use Map rezone 5 acres on Shakertown Road from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Residential, and zone change from Agriculture to General Business: Mike Perros has applied to change FLUM for 19.4 acres at 2356 Perryville Road from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Residential then rezone change request from Agriculture and Single Family Residential to General Business; LMD Holdings LLC has applied to rezone 30.7 acres on Lancaster Road from Agriculture and Highway Business to Light Industrial; and Jeanne Daniel-Hester has applied to rezone 3.2 acres on the South Danville Bypass from Agriculture to Highway Business.
EDP Economic Development Committee — 8 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 27 via Zoom. Items on the agenda include: subcommittee reports on industry-identified training and develop training programs are meeting the needs of industry partners, market existing programs to increase talent pipeline while addressing barriers and educate school administrators, students and parents on technical programs for high-wage, high-demand careers. There will also be discussions on childcare updates, impact of COVID-19 on female workers; update on BCTC Advanced Manufacturing Center; county economic data comparison and plan future efforts.