County employees rally behind one of their own; home destroyed after early morning fire

Published 10:18 am Friday, March 12, 2021


News release

One can imagine the trauma of losing a home to fire, but being woken in the early morning, escaping with only your dogs, and learning that your home is a total loss is nothing short of catastrophic.

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Heather and Greg Ramey lost their Goggin Road home in the early hours of Thursday, March 11.

“Heather, who serves in the County Clerk’s office, is one of ours and she has lost just about everything,” said Boyle County Clerk Trille Bottom. “As soon as I got to the office on Thursday morning, we started working on a plan to help Heather and Greg.”

Judge Howard Hunt supports the employees’ efforts to help Heather and Greg. “Imagine losing your home. From family heirlooms to toothbrushes – Heather and Greg even lost their car and truck,” said Judge Hunt.   

Anyone wishing to make a cash or gift card donation to help the Rameys can drop them off at the Boyle County Clerk’s office in the courthouse. Heather and Greg will be residing in a local hotel while their insurance company sorts out next steps in recovering from the fire.

“I am in full support of issuing a call for aid within the courthouse and the entire Boyle County Community. We are a family here in the courthouse and Boyle County is a tight knit community. We help each other when tragedy strikes,” Judge Hunt concluded.

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