Unborn lives matter
Published 4:13 pm Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Life is sacred both inside and outside the womb. All human life is created in the image of God. My wife Robyn and I are the proud parents of three wonderful adult children. Our middle child has special needs. She is severely developmentally delayed or intellectually challenged.
When I transitioned from the corporate world to the pastor world, my wife became pregnant with our third child. Not an immaculate conception, nonetheless a gift of God. It had been 12 years between our first child and our third child.
Robyn had concerns as she was approaching 40, and studies show it was more likely for there to be complications with the child. We prayed and put it in God’s hands.
The defining moment came when we reached the point when one could choose to terminate the pregnancy (before partial birth abortion was in vogue). My wife returned home somewhat shaken from her wellness visit. I asked her what happened, and she shared the following incident from that day:
This young doctor approached my wife with an invasive test. He wanted to test to determine if our child was showing developmental issues. When this young doctor was preparing to do the test, my wife told him she did not want the test. The doctor began to argue with her and demanded that she must have the test. My wife protested and said, “No!”
I guess the exchange must have gotten loud because an older doctor came in and asked, “What’s the problem?” The young doctor protested, “She is refusing to take the test. She must allow me to draw fluid!”
My wife asked the older doctor, “Is this test necessary?” The more senior doctor said, “Well, you only need the test if an abortion is an option.”
At that moment, my wife looked at the doctor and unashamedly said, “Abortion is not an option!” Then the doctor turned and overruled the young doctor and told him, “That test is not necessary. Leave her alone.”
I was so proud of my wife that day that she stood her ground and trusted God with the life in her womb. This incident was almost 25 years ago. And we are fortunate to say that our third child graduated from college and is doing well, and is a firm believer in Christ.
I thank God for Robyn, who chose life back then and still today. My friends, unborn lives matter! Let us pray for life inside the womb.