From Our Files Dec. 1, 2021
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, December 1, 2021
100 YEARS AGO — 1921
• Arthur Giesler of New York City, an authority on hydraulic engineering, came to Danville to inspect Dix River for a proposed dam. He took a small canoe to the river at a proposed site for a gigantic dam and inspected the area. Giesler, a native of Germany, was head of the Corps of Engineers, who accomplished the great feat of widening the Danube River.
• A meeting was held to organize a company of Boy Scouts, a movement which has been growing like wildfire throughout the country for the past several months. Dr. N. F. Smith of Central University, chairman of the group. T.O. Miller, Augustus Rogers, and Nelson Roses were named to a committee to check out sponsors and meeting places.
• Two young businessmen from Danville have received promotions and will leave the city and relocate elsewhere. Richard Smith will move to St. Louis, where he accepted a position as district passenger agent for Southern Railway. George Enright, who has been connected with the Queen and Crescent for several years, will go to Frankfort and practice law with T.H. Edelen. George graduated from Central University Law School.
75 YEARS AGO — 1946
• William G. Gilvin of Harrodsburg, a veteran of the Pacific Theatre and lost a leg during action March 14, 1945, in the Philippine Islands during World War II, was given an Oldsmobile sedan equipped with special attachments to aid him in driving a vehicle. The automobile was given under the Act of Congress, which provided an automobile to any veteran who lost a leg or use of legs above the ankle. Arthur L. Johnson, manager of the local veterans’ administration contact office, assisted Gilvin with the execution of forms to get the car.
• Danville’s Christmas lights on Main Street were turned on. The lights went from West Main and Maple streets through the business district. “This year’s lights are as pretty as any we’ve seen.”
• Over 85 members of the Forkland community, Danville and Boyle County officials, and Farm Bureau members attended a fish fry and to ask for help to improve the highway that runs through the community. State Highway Commissioner J. Stephen Watkins talked about the state’s road program that could include communities like Forkland. Local citizens said the 17-mile road of loose gravel and narrow road needs to be improved.
• Charles A. Thomas, instructor of printing in the vocational department of Kentucky School for the Deaf, was elected president of the Danville Division No.125, National Fraternal Society for the Deaf, He succeeds Joseph Balasa to the office.
50 YEARS AGO – 1971
• A five-year-old Danville girl was named the 1972 Kentucky March of Dimes Poster Child. Robin Benson e is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Benson of West Main Street. Robin will make appearances and travel throughout the state meeting volunteer leaders, and appearing on poster and other March of Dimes literature.
• Local residents responded to the “Toys for Tots” drive, sponsored by Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in conjunction with a Louisville radio station and the U.S. Marines. Four large boxes have been filled with new toys. Toys collected in Danville and across the state will be distributed by the Marines to needy children.
• Final judging of entries in the state Chamber of Commerce All-Kentucky City program is scheduled. The local presentation is composed of 319 color slides and scripts in four categories: industrial and commercial development, education, and ecology.
• An addition to Mary G. Hogsett Elementary School was authorized and an architect employed for the project by the Danville Board of Education. Hill-Halley Architects of Danville was hired as architect of the 4,000-square foot addition to the rear of the present building, including two classrooms and a library.
25 YEARS AGO — 1996
• Danville and Boyle County road crews were preparing roads for snow and ice in the upcoming winter. Salt and gravel were stockpiled and snow blades were bought and mounted. “We’re going to try hard to catch the snow before the storm,” said Duane Campbell, Boyle road supervisor.
• Matsushita Appliance Corp. started an expansion of its warehousing facilities that should be completed by the end of 1997. More than 300,000 square feet of new storage area has been approved by the planning and zoning commission. The plant make vacuum cleaners marketed by Panasonic.
• Northpoint Training Center inmates are working on details outside the prison. They have helped clean up streets, cemeteries, locations around the fire department, and numerous county roads. Donna Fechter, director of the Danville-Boyle County Clean Community Commission has been working with Northpoint on the project.
• Centre College President Michael F. Adams outline for the Danville City Commission changes the college wants to make to the section of West Walnut Street that passes through the campus. Centre asked the city for permission to remove parking from Fifth Street to Beaty Avenue, and narrow the street to two lanes, The project, to include landscaping and provide off-street parking is expected to cost the college $1 million. The city would not pay anything.