Danville Independent School Board approves 2022-23 and 2023-24 calendars
Published 1:55 pm Tuesday, February 15, 2022
At the Danville Independent Schools Board of Education meeting Monday evening, the board approved district calendars for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years.
The calendars were established following a survey distributed to students’ families, certified and classified staff, students, and community members, which got almost 250 responses. The survey gave options for start and end dates for the school years. The majority of those surveyed chose the later start dates.
2022-2023 school year
Start date Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022
Fall Break: Oct. 3-7, 2022
Winter Break: Dec. 19-30 (with Jan. 2 being a holiday, Jan. 3 being a professional development day, and students returning on Wednesday, Jan. 4)
First semester ends before Winter Break
Spring Break: April 3-7, 2023
End date Thursday, May 25, 2023
2023-2024 school year
Start date Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2023
Fall Break: Oct. 2-6, 2023
Winter Break: Dec. 18-29 (with Jan. 1 being a holiday, Jan. 2nd being a professional development day, and students returning on Wednesday, Jan. 3)
First semester ends before Winter Break
Spring Break: April 1-5, 2024
- End date Thursday, May 23, 2024
Chair and co-chair of the calendar committee, Assistant Principal at Mary G. Hogsett Primary School Pamela Hambrick and Bookkeeper at MGHPS Brittany Broach, commented on the committee’s work.
Hambrick said, “The committee worked to put together calendar recommendations that balanced both the instructional needs of students and took into consideration the preferences of families and the community. We appreciate the time and thoughtful problem solving of all committee members.”
Broach said, “We appreciate all the hard work from the committee members in creating calendars for two years. We also appreciate all the feedback from staff, students and parents on what they would like in the calendar. We hope that having two years completed will help families plan in the future.”
Also at the meeting:
The following students were recognized for most BLUE points earned at Edna L. Toliver Intermediate School: Cam Fisher, Natalia Ray and Austin Sapp. They received certificates of excellence. ELTIS Bookkeeper Pam Stinnett was recognized as well.
Roger Cleveland of Millennium Learning Concepts presented to the board on educational equity, putting an emphasis on the difference between equity and equality and how equity is a process to meet students where they are and attend to their individual needs, with equality as the desired outcome. Cleveland is working with the board on equity policy. His work with the board comes from the efforts of the Danville Schools Equity Council, said Interim Superintendent Elmer Thomas.
The board approved a Family Resource and Youth Services Centers Continuation Program, so FRYSC staff can continue their services to students and families.
A School Security Funds Request was approved by the board and now has to be approved on a state level, for a $56,950 fund, $5,300 of that from Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funding, for window cling projects for all district school buildings. The desired purpose is to decrease visibility through windows in the schools for enhanced student safety.