From our Files – Oct. 26
Published 2:01 pm Monday, October 31, 2022
100 YEARS AGO —1922
• The local Chamber of Commerce hosted a meeting to discuss raising $1,000,000 for the Christian College Movement, conducted by the Presbyterian Church of Kentucky. Boyle County was asked to raise $175,000. By the end of November, Boyle County had raised $156,000.
• Mack Sennett’s “Molly O”, featuring Mable Normand, was shown at Stout’s Theatre. The movie was“A Beautiful Romance of Youth and Love.” Admission was 10 and 25 cents.
• William Kinnard, prohibition agent of Lancaster, and deputies passed through Danville to Lexington with two truck loads, about 20 cases, of very fine liquor. Those arrested had been taken to Lexington. The agent recently made a big haul in Perryville when 10 whiskey runners attempted to pass through the city.
• Local Southern Railroad officials, J.E. Wallin, T.C. Blackwell and A.Winn, were awarded distinguished service medals. During a recent strike, Danville was the only divisional town in the United States, where there was not a single disturbance of any kind where local officials were called for outside help.
75 YEARS AGO — 1947
• Boyle County Democrat and Republican voters went to the poles in 23 balloting places to vote in the general election. Locally, Roy Arnold retained his seat as the state representative, and Lucille Bruce ran unopposed for Boyle Circuit Clerk to retain her position.
• Mrs. J.W. Sanders, Training Union director at First Baptist Church, was honored for her years of service by the church. She moved to New Orleans, Louisiana. She also was director of Young People’s work in the Woman’s Missionary Union.
• A kickoff breakfast to launch the 1947 Community Fund campaign in Boyle County was held at Maple Avenue School cafeteria. Jack B.Stith, general chairman, asked the 150 workers to begin solicitation at homes and businesses to help raise $13,500 to support the Family Welfare Association, salvation Army and Boy Scouts.
50 YEARS AGO —1972
• Pierce Lively, an attorney of Danville was sworn in as judge of the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals before friends, family, lawyers and members of the state and federal judiciary.
• Open house was held for the 90-resident Golden Living Center on East Walnut Street. The modern facility was owned by Floyd Dievert of Danville, Dr. John Grider of Liberty, and Alfred London of Greenville, contractor and builder.
• The Danville sanitary landfill along Clark’s Run was increased by more than seven acres by completion of negotiations between the city and Southern Railway System. Cost was $100 per year.
• The 19 voting machines were in place in Boyle County and made ready for an estimated 9,659 voters who registered. About 374 absentee voters ballots also were mailed and 29 returned.
• A new brick structure with 55 bedrooms was opened for Southern Railway crews from Chattanooga, Louisville and Cincinnati whose schedules require that they spend layover time from one to three nights in Danville.
25 YEARS AGO — 1997
• Central Kentucky Federal Savings Bank, built in 1886, and Farmers National Bank of Danville, built in 1879, were designated as “centennial businesses” by the Kentucky Historical Society, Cabinet for Economic Development and state Chamber of Commerce.
• Two Danville teenagers, Ryan Klimek and Joey Knies, both 17 years old, died of injuries suffered in a one-vehicle crash on Iroquois Trail. Nathan Johanson, 18, was injured. Klimek
was driving east on Seminole Trail and was attempting to make a left turn when the vehicle left the roadway and struck a tree.
• Walter A. Groves, president of Centre College, Mayor Henry L. Nichols, Boyle County Judge Gilbert White, and County Attorney P. Joe Clark were named as delegates to a proposed Constitutional Convention.
• Danville City Commission voted to allow two potbellied pigs kept as pets to remain inside the city limits.
• Boyle County tobacco farmers were preparing for the annual tobacco sales season and local tobacco warehouses were ready for the tons of burley tobacco to arrive.